罗技是首家在其产品上标注产品制造带来的气候变暖碳量的消费电子公司。现在,您不仅可以根据购买的价格和功能做出选择,还可以根据其对环境的影响做出选择。 分享我们的历程 社会影响 Logicares 回报和推动变革不仅是社会责任,也是我们企业文化的关键点。 LOGICARES 关注 ...
logitech 罗技 PRO WIRELESS 2.4G LIGHTSPEED 无线鼠标 25600DPI RGB 饕餮 379元(需用券) 京东 23-05-31 0 0 打开App,查看全部优惠 所属品牌 logitech/罗技 41596人关注 一个起源于瑞士的电脑外设品牌,成立于1981年。罗技现今已在全球140多个国家和地区开展业务,凭借其产品出色的工业设计和创新,已揽获全球10...
PRO Wireless was designed to be the ultimate gaming mouse for esports professionals. Over a 2 year period, Logitech G collaborated with more than 50 professional players to find the perfect shape, weight and feel combined with our LIGHTSPEED wireless and HERO 25k sensor technologies. The result ...
罗技G Pro Wireless鼠标搭载强化过的HERO光学传感器,最高支持25600DPI(100DPI逐级可调),400IPS追踪速度,提供10倍于旧款的电源效率。左右按键为独立设计,内置5000万次点击的欧姆龙微动。支持罗技Lightspeed无线连接技术,延迟时间缩短至1ms,连接效率极高。内置锂电池,支持Powerplay无线充电技术,可配置专用的鼠标垫来得到边充...
When your Logitech wireless mouse stops working, you can check if the USB port is broken, if the mouse driver is corrupted, if the batteries are discharged, etc, then you can resolve the problem quickly.
4 4 ENGLISH Tips: –– Keep the mouse and receiver 2 m+ away from wireless routers or other 2.4GHz wireless devices to minimize environmental noise. –– PRO WIRELESS has a wireless range of up to 10 meters. To ensure optimal performance in noisy wireless environments, and to keep ...
Made With and For Pro Gamers Designed over two years with direct input from many professional esports players: PRO Wireless gaming mouse is built to the exacting standards of some of the world's top esports professionals. PRO Wireless Designed over two years with direct input from over 50 profe...
Designed with pros and engineered to win, the Logitech G PRO 2 LIGHTSPEED wireless mouse is an symmetric, ambidextrous mouse with customizable magnetic side buttons that delivers ultra-fast, precise performance and customizable style for competitive gamers. Specs and Compatibility In the Box Support It...
罗技G Pro Wireless,顾名思义,是 Logitech 旗下定位游戏的 G 系列产品,名称为 Pro Wireless,是早先推出的 G Pro 的无线版本,以下不会提到有有线版本,所以本文之后的细节描述片段中将简称为 『G Pro』。 Pro 系列的定位是竞技游戏玩家专用,相比 G900 系列的定位来说,900 系列主要是为了综合的游戏体验,而 Pro...
作为一名热衷于电子竞技的游戏爱好者,我一直在寻找那种能够让我在激烈对战中保持领先的装备。经过多次尝试和比较,我最终选择了Logitech G Pro Wireless鼠标,它不仅改善了我的游戏体验,也让我对电竞硬件有了全新的认识。 体验舒适,耐用不累手 首先要说的是这款鼠标的舒适性。作为一个经常进行长时间游戏的玩家,手部...