Logitech Options låser op for funktioner og lader dig tilpasse dine mus, tastaturer og pegefelter til optimal produktivitet og kreativitet.
Logitech Options 安全认证 无插件 203.52MB 大小 win7/win8/win8_1/win10/win11 操作系统 8.54.161 版本 2021-06-14 更新时间 立即下载 软件详情 Logitech Options 提供多种功能,支持对鼠标、键盘和触摸板进行自定义设置,提升生产力与创造力。
windows11安..windows11 安装Logitech Options后,鼠标滚轮失灵,好几个鼠标都一样,m590和M330,卸载Logitech Options以后恢复正常,重装软件几次都是这种情况,有朋友也遇到
Options+ will be the application going forward for personal workspace devices and provide ongoing integrated device firmware updates for optimal security and performance. Date: November 06, 2024 Software Version: 10.22.14 OS supported: Windows 10, Windows 11 File Size: 245.79 MB Download: Logitech ...
Logitech罗技Logitech Options软件10.00.75版For Mac(2022年11月10日发布) Logitech Options是罗技开发的鼠标、键盘、触摸板等外设的增强软件,可实现各种自定义功能,功能强大且使用方便。 具体功能如下: 1、自定义调整各种参数,自定义按键和动作,快捷完成各种操作。
OS Windows 11 23H2 Current build Aug 5, 2021 #1 I just got a notification for an update for the LogiTech Options software. It took me to this page: Logi Options+ (Plus): Customization App for Logitech Devices Enhance your Logitech devices with Logi Options Plus software. Customize sett...
Logitech Options Download Logitech Options is available on Windows 11/10/8/7, macOS 10.12/10.13/10.14/10.15/11.0/12.0, and OS X 10.11/10.10/10.9/10.8. If you need, just go to download Logitech Options: Step 1: Visit the official page ofDownload Logitech Options– https://www.logitech.com...
However, if you’re on Windows 11, you might sometimes run into some issues where Logitech Flow, a part of Logitech Options and the newer Logi Options+ (Plus), would stop working. This guide will talk about why this happens and how you can fix it. What actually is Logitech Flow? Allow...
1.可能是下载的网站不对,罗技官网给的下载地址有问题。可以尝试用这个网址的来下载:安装 Logi Options...
罗技鼠标驱动其实有 4 个:Logitech Options、Logi Options+、Logitech Gaming Software、Logitech G HUB。