High quality:MX products are built with high-quality materials to withstand intensive use. What is Logi Options+ and how does it benefit coders? Logi Options+ is powerful software that lets you customize your MX Keys and MX Master mice. For coders, it offers: ...
Logi Options+ is powerful software that lets you customize your MX Keys and MX Master mice. For coders, it offers: Key and Button Remapping: Assign custom shortcuts for frequently used commands or macros. Application-Specific Profiles: Create different settings for various coding environments (e....
we’re creating a better future for our planet and society discover how logitech is pioneering new ways of working to design for a sustainable and equitable world – and how everyone can play a part. learn more planet people recycle reporting take action ...
这套键鼠的优点很多, 如包装上的标注的MX Keys S- 舒适 流畅 稳定 可编程,Anywhere 3s -丰富自定义 电磁滚轮 精准 舒适 MX Keys S已经升级到了Logi Bolt, Logi Bolt比起以前的优联可以带来更好的安全性和稳定性, 最多可以同时匹配六台设备. 当然也可以蓝牙连接, 很简易, 说明书直接印刷在包装内, 很环保 ...
MX mice and keyboards will recharge while you work with USB-C to USB-C quick charging. MX keyboards are equipped with smart backlighting that adjusts to any time of the day. Perfect Stroke keys on MX Keys S for Mac and MX Keys Mini for Mac are responsive and accurate while the typing...
本次测评的产品为罗技的MX KEYS S蓝牙键盘和MX Anywhere 3S双模鼠标,两款产品的包装风格相当统一。 1、罗技MX KEYS S无线蓝牙键盘 罗技MX KEYS S在包装内提供了简单的连接方法,以便第一次使用者能轻松上手。为了环保起见,键盘被包裹在一张半透明的纸中。这张纸由经过FSC国际森林委员会认证的纸质来源制成,因此...
planet people recycle reporting take action
罗技的键鼠套装世界知名,无论是用于日常办公还是休闲娱乐打游戏都相当不错。本次测评的罗技MX KEYS S蓝牙键盘和MX Anywhere 3s无线双模鼠标,是今年才发布的新品,主打商务办公。那么,罗技MX KEYS S无线蓝牙键盘…
* 背面:相比MX Keys使用电池作为高度调节的元素,MX Mechanial增加了一对8°的支脚,加上键盘自身的高度差,就算是提供两种使用高度了;下排的三条防滑垫直接改成一条长防滑垫,上排的三条防滑垫改成两条支脚防滑垫;暗纹印刷的产品信息改成了贴纸;原本存在感十足的电池,现在隐藏在背板后面,让键盘背面整体性更强了...
罗技mx keys s无线蓝牙键盘,天猫精选,下单立减,领券满699元再减200元,到手价499元,近期好价! 简明购买步骤 1 领券 满699减200元 2 加购 当前商品1件 3 下单 实付499元 国补攻略再更新,天猫余杭消费券新增数码电器个护美妆类目券,至高满3000减270元,速戳查看>>> ...