罗技(Logitech) G940 游戏飞行摇杆 $211.22 这款罗技(Logitech) G940 游戏飞行摇杆绝非简单的游戏遥控器。各种控制设备经过严密的设计和加工,在外观、感受和使用等各个方面均与真实的设备完全相同。真实的操控和逼真的力反馈效果,给您带来更棒的飞行体验。令您感受十足力道: 风切变、振动、湍流和引力。双油门设计,...
If I’m piloting a particularly tough flight, I want to feel every G and get a better idea of which way the winds are blowing–as well as a better sense of whether I’m drifting too far off course. The G940 has that. Now, while all of this is well and good, there’s one ...
产品简介:罗技 G940飞行模拟控制器:由踏板、油门推杆和飞行摇杆组成,拥有着极高的仿真度,类似现代战斗机驾驶杆; 罗技 G940飞行模拟控制器 采用最出色的左右分离引擎,并在双手杆上加上了力回馈功能,G940还内置了250套自定义按钮方案,能让整套系统轻松适应战斗机或民航客机飞行。
Logitech G CLOUD Gaming Handheld puts advanced graphics and libraries of blockbuster games from the cloud in your hands—freeing you to play what you want, in more places. CLOUD requires a cloud subscription service sold separately to work as intended, such as NVIDIA GeForce Now or Xbox Game ...
Logitech 罗技G F710 无线游戏控制器 940-000119 香港行货 5个评价 销量>50件 赠送积分269 HK$269 HK$ 299 节省HK$30 转数快3%折扣价钱 : HK$ 261 免息分期 满$500 免运费 加入购物车 立即升级, 专享最强优惠 45,000件产品平均额外7%折扣 650件精选产品即减$400或以上!
An excellent logitech profiler profile is avalaible here: http://www.lockonfiles.com/index.php/files/file/1907-logitech-g940-dcs-a-10c-warthog-config-files/ 许可: 免费- 免费版, 无分发限制 语言: 任何语言 大小: 41.36 Kb 下载数: 3552 评论: 2标签...
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适应硬件:Logitech罗技飞行摇杆G940 驱动说明 Logitech罗技飞行摇杆G940固件1.42版For WinXP-32/WinXP-64/Vista-32/Vista-64/Win7-32/Win7-64(2011年9月2日发布) 新版固件改善了X/Y的准确性。 运行固件升级程序,插入摇杆即可进行升级。程序可能会假死,重新打开升级程序再次升级即可。
How to Update QuickCam Pro 4000 Device Drivers Step 1 - Download Your Driver To get the QuickCam Pro 4000 driver, click the green download button above. After you complete your download, move on to Step 2. If the driver listed is not the right version or operating system, search our ...