G915 TKL. Entrez dans la nouvelle dimension. Conception compacte sans pavé numérique TECHNOLOGIE SANS FIL LIGHTSPEED INCROYABLEMENT FIN DÉCOUVRIR LES FONCTIONNALITÉS PRINCIPALESLes humains et la planète Nous créons un avenir meilleur pour notre planète et notre société Découvrez ...
planet & people we’re creating a better future for our planet and society discover how logitech is pioneering new ways of working to design for a sustainable and equitable world – and how everyone can play a part. learn more planet people recycle reporting take action ...
Model G915 X LIGHTSPEED Part Number 920-012696 Keyboard Keyboard Interface USB Type-C Design Style Standard Layout Full-size Palm Rest No Key Switch Type Linear Keyboard Color Black Backlit Yes Type 2.4 GHz LIGHTSPEED wireless, Bluetooth, or USB-C Mouse Mouse Included No Wireless Operating Time ...
TKL Keyboard for Gaming: The Logitech G915 X LIGHTSPEED TKL compact gaming keyboard offers the latest innovations in gaming tech; sleek design and next-gen engineering elevate every level of play Choose Your Connectivity With Tri-Mode: Connect with best-in-class 2.4 GHz LIGHTSPEED wireless, Blueto...
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Turn the numpad into a full gaming command center, or combine it with the G shift key on your mouse to give all the keys on your keyboard a different set of commands. Additional features of the G915 X Series include: Tri-mode connectivity. Choose from best-in-class 2.4 GHz LIGHTSPEED ...