Get ahead with the Logitech G602 Wireless Gaming Mouse. Up to 250 hours of power, lag-free wireless connection, 11 programmable buttons, Delta Zero™ sensor technology, and in-game sensitivity switching for precision. Comfortable and durable for gamers. Shut up and take my money!
大家好~肥皂我又来骗呜呜,咳咳,又来晒单了 这次为大家带来的不算什么新鲜面孔,也算是晒物区的老熟人了,是什么呢?就是罗技家的无线鼠标,G602。连接
Logitech G602 Wireless Gaming Mouse with 250 Hour Battery Life ¥39.99美 去购买 G602一直是罗技的最中庸款,设计上虽是游戏鼠标的模板,但是游戏性又不如自家的其他几款游戏鼠,如G502 G700之流。反倒超长的续航时间和不错的手感也能作为办公鼠标出镜,着实也是个万金油之选了。话不多说,先上图,使用感受后面...
[商品:Logitech G602 Wireless Gaming Mouse with 250 Hour Battery Life] 本想到手立马晒单,但是公用一个号的基友说你别,先用,这个鼠标,大大家都看上看下了,几张图片有什么好看的啊。我一想也是,这个鼠标这个东西,毕竟不是靠外观取胜的,还是使用一段时间,做活体小白鼠【大雾】然后给脂油们带来体验报告比较好...
Note: Some hubs can degrade wireless performance. If this happens, use the USB port on your computer with the most direct path to the G602. 2 4 English 3 4 USB Customizing your mouse Create profiles and macros for your G602 with the Logitech Gaming Software. Download the ...
From Logitech site that DribbelDog linked: also This mouse looks really inteteresting if you're not digging high-dpi. lag free sure i dont see any lag per say in the mouse but even with 2.4ghz my current mouse gets ...
这款Logitech G602 Gaming Wireless Mouse游戏无线鼠标,具有专属高精度的 Delta Zero 追踪器技术、非常耐用的主键以及 11 个可编程按键,为用户提供真正优质的游戏体验,可提供长达 250 小时的游戏时间,真正实现无线游戏,2ms的刷新率和2000万次微动寿命再加上250~2500DPI可调的分辨率,滚轮带有阻尼,黑色肤质亚光材料制成...
Walmart US 分享123 商品5871 返利直达 3% 【Walmart US】 Logitech G602 Wireless Gaming Mouse ¥430 59.99美元 汇率7.17 更新于刚刚 收入文章 收藏 0 直达链接 历史价 最高59.99美元 最低32.95美元 by 海淘网haitao.com18.10.2319.2.193040506070 海淘网APP提供降价提醒下载APP ...
The Logitech G602 is a good overall wireless mouse. It connects to its USB receiver to get a very low click latency and has great sensor performance. Fans of hig...
这款Logitech G602 Wireless Gaming Mouse with 250 Hour Battery Life罗技无线游戏鼠标,鼠标采用专门设计的 Delta Zero 优化传感器带来高精度光标控制体验的无线游戏鼠标,同时电池续航时间得到最大程度的延长。采用 2.4 GHz 无线连接技术,具有 0.002秒超快反应速度,可提供无延迟操作体验。使用两个触手可及的按钮,可在...