【10元券】罗技(Logitech)G513 Carbon LIGHTSYNC RGB机械游戏键盘,带GX棕色轴 Carbon Red Line人生如梦梦如人生a 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多-- -- 1:30 App 【10元券】罗技(Logitech)G715 无线机械游戏键盘,带线性开关(GX 红色)和键盘掌托 White Mist 鼠标+有线键盘-Lin 3 -- 1:30...
【10元券】罗技(Logitech)G513 Carbon LIGHTSYNC RGB机械游戏键盘,带GX棕色轴 Carbon Red LineKHj一点点也要推 立即播放 打开App,一起发弹幕看视频100+个相关视频 更多 523 0 05:00 App 经典款4x5黑檀钛合金(Standard Ti)可折叠大画幅相机三段式8600元,四段式9600元。 738 0 00:25 App Microtech 微...
“ Carbon”型号采用深色金属装饰,使键盘具有圆滑,隐秘的整体外观。G513还提供银色版本,具有相同的拉丝金属外观,但亮度更高。 两种键盘都使用了Logitech的Romer-G机械游戏开关,这些开关的设计充分考虑了游戏玩家的需求。G513 Carbon具有“触觉”,“线性”和“ GX蓝色”两种样式的开关,它们随按键感觉的不同而有所不同...
The Logitech G513 Carbon is about as high and as you can go. The keyboard also includes a floating palm rest for maximum comfort which spans the length of the keyboard. In addition to the Romer-G switches, you’ll also get a nice brushed metal surface (carbon or silver), as well as ...
键盘:G910 RGB/G810 RGB/G613 Wireless/G610/G512 Carbon RGB/G513 Carbon(Silver)RGB/G413/G213 RGB/G PRO。 音频:G933 Wireless/G633 RGB 7.1/G533 Wireless 7.1/G560 LIGHTSYNC/G433 7.1。 罗技游戏软件最新版下载更新日志: 添加了禁用 POWERPLAY 充电鼠标垫充电功能的选项 添加了切换配置文件和更改 DPI...
Logitech Gaming Software官方下载支持设备: 鼠标:G903 LIGHTSPEED/G900 Wireless/G703 LIGHTSPEED/G502 RGB/G403 Wireless/G403/G PRO。 键盘:G910 RGB/G810 RGB/G613 Wireless/G610/G512 Carbon RGB/G513 Carbon(Silver)RGB/G413/G213 RGB/G PRO。
键盘:G910 RGB/G810 RGB/G613 Wireless/G610/G512 Carbon RGB/G513 Carbon(Silver)RGB/G413/G213 RGB/G PRO。 音频:G933 Wireless/G633 RGB 7.1/G533 Wireless 7.1/G560 LIGHTSYNC/G433 7.1。 Logitech游戏软件官方下载更新日志: 添加了禁用 POWERPLAY 充电鼠标垫充电功能的选项 添加了切换配置文件和更改 DP...
G513 Carbon LIGHTSYNC RGB Mechanical Gaming Keyboard - GX Brown (Tactile) G513 is a high performance LIGHTSYNC RGB mechanical gaming keyboard with choice of mechanical key switches and USB pass-through in a modern and sleek design. Personalize lighting for each individual key, customize ...
Buy Logitech G513 Lightsync RGB Mechanical Gaming Keyboard - Cable Connectivity - USB 2.0 Type A Interface - English - Windows - Mechanical Keyswitch - Carbon at Walmart.com
Logitech G513 Lightsync RGB Mechanical Gaming Keyboard - Cable Connectivity - USB 2.0 Type A Interface - English - Windows - Mechanical Keyswitch - Carbon UNAVAILABLE LOGITECH - COMPUTER ACCESSORIES G513 RGB MECHANICAL GAMING KEYB NEW REFRESHED W/GX RED SWITCH INPUT/OUTPUT DEV...