Download Logitech G HUB 2025.1.3329 for Mac from FileHorse. 100% Safe and Secure ✔ A single portal for optimizing and customizing all your Logitech G gear.
Download Logitech G HUB 2025.1.3329 for Mac from FileHorse. 100% Safe and Secure ✔ A single portal for optimizing and customizing all your Logitech G gear.
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罗技(G) G502 HERO主宰者 有线鼠标 游戏鼠标 吃鸡鼠 京东 ¥202.74 去购买 罗技G502 HERO主宰者延续了G502的经典造型,整体为黑色磨砂材质,辅以镜面及金属滚轮点缀,显得低调又灵动。这款鼠标的尺寸为132×75×40mm,不装配重时重约121g,握持手感十分舒适。
Logitech罗技 G502 hero整体外观,前半部分按键位置为硬朗的设计风格,后半部分手掌支撑位置设计圆润符合人体工学,鼠标整体有着舒适的握持感,即使做为游戏鼠标的G502整体体积比办公用的鼠标大一圈的情况下,依旧保持着不错的握持手感体验。可以看到和我平时使用的体积小的鼠标M590相比较,G502整体还是大了一圈的,小鼠标...
How to uninstall Logitech G Hub Uninstalling G Hub is like uninstalling any other software. However, uninstalling it would not affect the configurations made to any of Logitech’s peripherals, since all settings are automatically saved onto the onboard memory of the devices. ...
Logitech罗技 G502 hero整体外观,前半部分按键位置为硬朗的设计风格,后半部分手掌支撑位置设计圆润符合人体工学,鼠标整体有着舒适的握持感,即使做为游戏鼠标的G502整体体积比办公用的鼠标大一圈的情况下,依旧保持着不错的握持手感体验。可以看到和我平时使用的体积小的鼠标M590相比较,G502整体还是大了一圈的,小鼠标...
Logitech G502 HERO High Performance Wired Gaming Mouse, HERO 25K Sensor, 25,600 DPI, RGB, Adjustable Weights, 11 Programmable Buttons, On-Board Memory, PC / Mac BHD21.99 + BHD16.49 ShippingAdd to cart OverviewSpecsReviews (437)Compare ProductsWarranty & ReturnsMore Buying Options...