罗技Logitech G502 Hero主宰者RGB炫光游戏鼠标 全线升级Hero引擎 16000DPI 黑色 罗技Logitech G502 Hero主宰者RGB炫光游戏鼠标 全线升级Hero引擎 16000DPI 黑色 高性能传感器,11可编程按钮,全线升级Hero,hero主宰者 已选 神秘黑 x1 送至 北京 北京 朝阳区 包邮 由第三方商家提供商品、发货开票及售后服务 用户评价...
Logitech罗技 G502 hero整体外观,前半部分按键位置为硬朗的设计风格,后半部分手掌支撑位置设计圆润符合人体工学,鼠标整体有着舒适的握持感,即使做为游戏鼠标的G502整体体积比办公用的鼠标大一圈的情况下,依旧保持着不错的握持手感体验。可以看到和我平时使用的体积小的鼠标M590相比较,G502整体还是大了一圈的,小鼠标...
羅技G502 HERO 高效能遊戲滑鼠。配備我們最好的 HERO 感應器、11 個可自訂按鈕、LIGHTSYNC RGB 技術和可調校配重砝碼。
Amazon has the Logitech G502 Hero RGB 25600 DPI Optical Wired Gaming Mouse for a low $34.99. Free Shipping with Amazon Prime or orders $35+. This is originally $79.99, so you save 56% off list price. $79.99 (56% Off) $34.99 Get Deal From Amazon in Keyboard, Mouse & Peripherals ...
罗技G502 HERO主宰者延续了G502的经典造型,整体为黑色磨砂材质,辅以镜面及金属滚轮点缀,显得低调又灵动。这款鼠标的尺寸为132×75×40mm,不装配重时重约121g,握持手感十分舒适。 鼠标表面触感细腻舒适,防滑效果很好。鼠标左键后方及左下方配置有G logo灯和DPI指示灯,均为1600万色RGB灯。
The Logitech G502 LIGHTSPEED Wireless Gaming Mouse features a HERO 25K sensor with 25,600 DPI , 11 programmable buttons , and a hyper-fast scroll wheel. It has adjustable weights , LIGHTSYNC RGB with 16.8 million colors , and a rechargeable battery with up to 60 hours of game time . The...
Logi Gaming Mouse|Logitech Lightspeed|HERO Sensor:Equipped with the HERO sensor, the G502 offers unparalleled precision with a 100-25,600 dpi range. Customer Reviews (2) Due to our system upgrades, this content is currently unavailable in your region. ...
Logitech G502 HERO high performance gaming mouse. Featuring HERO, our best sensor, 11 programmable buttons, LIGHTSYNC RGB technology & tunable weight.
The mouse's rechargeable power type means you can game without interruption, and the included 7-foot braided cable provides ample reach for your gaming setup. Whether you're a casual gamer or a competitive professional, the Logitech G502 HERO is the mouse that will keep up with your gaming ...
logitech 罗技 G502 HERO KDA 限定版 有线鼠标是罗技品牌下的一款重要产品。这款鼠标经过了三次升级,新命名为“主宰”,彰显其在游戏鼠标领域的地位。它采用了Hero 16K传感器,最高DPI可达16000,左右按键点击寿命升级至5000万次,这些升级将为玩家提供更准确和更耐用的性能。除了硬件升级,G502主宰还...