If you would like to customize your G502, refer to the next section. You can customize the three onboard profiles of the G502—surface tuning, button programming, and tracking behavior—using the Logitech Gaming Software. Download this free software and learn how to customize the G502 at ...
A:Hello Mike! Yes the G502 can definitely be used for more than just gaming. It has the ability to adjust the DPI and has some extra buttons you can customize in our G Hub software. submitted byLogitech - 4 years ago Brand expert ...
G310 Atlas Dawn 紧凑型机械游戏键盘 G35 环绕立体声耳机麦克风 G400s 光电游戏鼠标 G402 Hyperion Fury 快速 FPS 游戏鼠标 G403 Prodigy 无线游戏鼠标 G403 Prodigy 有线游戏鼠标 G413 炭黑 / 银色机械游戏键盘 G430 环绕声游戏耳机麦克风 G433 游戏耳机麦克风 G500s 激光游戏鼠标 G502 HERO 游戏鼠标 G502 ...
HERO 2 is our flagship gaming grade optical mouse sensor and we continue to bring new ways to take advantage of the power of HERO 2 through G HUB! Check out how to dial in the exact settings for you. READ MORE TIPS & TRICKS
罗技游戏软件(Logitech Gaming Software)是罗技公司推出的电脑外设增强工具,支持PRO无线鼠标、Logitech G Pro游戏鼠标,兼容罗技键盘设备等一系列罗技游戏公司的游戏设备,对不同的游戏自定义鼠标、键盘、手柄、方向盘的按钮 按键 手柄的X Y
Digia QT (Application and User Interface Framework)logitech g502 software Microsoft Runtime Libraries (Application and Hardware Support) Let’s take a look at some of Logitech Gaming Software’s features: The option to create FPS-style mappings for Point of views/D-Pad. ...
不同的是自 GPW 后的罗技游戏鼠标(GPW、G502 无线、GPXS 等)都不支持 LGS 了,只能选择 G HUB...
HERO 2 is our flagship gaming grade optical mouse sensor and we continue to bring new ways to take advantage of the power of HERO 2 through G HUB! Check out how to dial in the exact settings for you. READ MORE TIPS & TRICKS
If you would like to customize your G502, refer to the next section. You can customize the three onboard profiles of the G502— button programming, lighting color, lighting effects, and tracking behavior—using the Logitech Gaming Software. Download this free software and learn how to ...
就死了 1172 罗技吧 AndroidOL G13/G600 到手 解答各种 Logitech Gaming Software 使用问题不回答游戏问题,其他问题尽量回答:) 分享12赞 罗技吧 贴吧用户_Gt99KR2 求助插上g502hero笔记本就卡怎么整笔记本是拯救者r7000 分享82 mx518吧 咖啡续冷茶 罗技MX518,新版2018版本驱动全网找遍了MX518驱动,要不就是2018...