适应硬件:罗技G733游戏耳机 驱动说明 Logitech罗技G733游戏耳机驱动2021.10.8013版For Win10-32/Win10-64/Win11(2021年10月12日发布) 罗技G733 LIGHTSPEED无线RGB游戏耳机G Hub工具,适用于Windows 10、Windows 11系统。 纠错 综合评分 0 0人参与评分
Into computer gaming? Logitech G Hub can help you get better at it. Download and install G Hub today to customize your supported hardware.
Unlock the full potential of your Logitech G gaming gear with G HUB, the advanced gaming software that lets you customize and optimize your mouse, keyboard, headset, speaker, and webcam settings. Download profiles from other gamers, create your own, and
G935 PRO Gaming Headset PRO X Gaming Headset Logitech G PRO X Wireless Gaming Headset with Blue VO!CE Fun Mic Covers for Gaming Headsets - Logitech G Reversible Soft Headband Strap Accessory for G733 and G335 - Logitech G Z906-5-1-Surround-Sound-Speaker-System G733 Ultra-Lightweight, ...
然而,我们希望看到G733的(立体声)声音有更多特色和可塑性,麦克风的声音更清晰,以及PC和Mac软件之间的平等。 品牌: Logitech 换能: 动态 佩戴: 全包围 类型: 封闭式 重量: 277 克 阻抗: 39 欧姆 声压级: 87,5 dB 响应: 20 - 20.000 Hz ...
罗技Logitech G733无线游戏耳机 麦克风 头戴式赛博朋克 环绕声 电竞耳机 吃鸡 K/DA图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
Unlock the full potential of your Logitech G gaming gear with G HUB, the advanced gaming software that lets you customize and optimize your mouse, keyboard, headset, speaker, and webcam settings. Download profiles from other gamers, create your own, and
评分详细 商品评价: 4.1 低 物流履约: -- -- 售后服务: 4.3 中 400-610-1360转965339 手机下单 进店逛逛|关注店铺 关注对比 罗技(Logitech) G733 Lightspeed 无线游戏耳机 带悬浮式头带 PRO-G 音频驱动器 Lilac Headset_G733 LIGHTSPEED 京东价
Logitech 罗技 G733 LIGHTSPEED 无线耳机是一款全能型产品,融合了出色的音质和舒适的设计。耳机采用简约的整体造型,大梁和悬臂一体式设计,内侧有撞色悬挂式雪橇头带,配有全覆盖式记忆海绵耳罩,重量仅为278克,适合长时间佩戴。这款耳机在罗技官方看来,是目前最舒适的无线游戏耳机。除了舒适性和设计外,...
G733 comes with BLUE VO!CE filters that you can fine-tune for a broadcast-quality sound. Make your stream sound more professional in a heartbeat. Choose from a variety of filters or customize your own with G HUB software. ULTRA LIGHTWEIGHT Just 278 grams, a little more than half a poun...