适用于 iPad 的 Logitech Combo Touch 是一款键盘式保护壳,支持更灵活多样的用途。保护壳可紧密贴合机身,在打字、观影、绘图和阅读时,为 iPad Pro 正面、背面和四角提供妥帖的保护。Combo Touch 配备可拆卸式键盘和可调节的后立式支架,在你打完字后可以更灵活地使用它。键盘式保护壳配上 Logitech 宽大的触控板,仍...
这款Combo Touch 键盘式保护壳的设计不适用于配备纳米纹理显示屏玻璃的 11 英寸 iPad Pro (M4)。 亮点 多种使用模式,方便你打字、绘图、观影、阅读或进行视频通话 可拆卸键盘,带来无拘无束的浏览和阅读体验 灵活的支架提供多种观看角度 宽阔的多点触控板 ...
适用于 iPad 的 Logitech Combo Touch 是一款键盘式保护壳,支持更灵活多样的用途。保护壳可紧密贴合机身,在打字、观影、绘图和阅读时,为 iPad Pro 正面、背面和四角提供妥帖的保护。Combo Touch 配备可拆卸式键盘和可调节的后立式支架,在你打完字后可以更灵活地使用它。键盘式保护壳配上 Logitech 宽大的触控板,仍...
Combo Touch for iPad Pro 11-inch (1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th gen) iPad Pro 11-inch (4th gen) Model: A2759, A2435, A2761, A2762 iPad Pro 11-inch (3rd Gen) Model: A2377, A2459, A2301, A2460 iPad Pro 11-inch (2nd Gen) Model: A2228, A2068, A2230, A2231 iPad Pro 11-inch (...
iPad Pro 11-inch (1st Gen) Model: A1980, A2013, A1934, A1979 Combo Touch for iPad Air (4th & 5th gen) iPad Air (5th gen) Model: A2588, A2589, A2591 iPad Air (4th gen) Model: A2072, A2316, A2324, A2325 What’s the best way to clean the natural oils from your hands ...
That’s why the aluminum in the internal keyboard module and exterior keyboard bottom of Combo Touch for iPad Pro 13-inch and 11-inch (M4), the aluminum in the internal keyboard module of Combo Touch for iPad Air 13-inch and Air 11-inch (M2) is made with renewable energy rather than ...
Combo Touch instantly pairs with your iPad via Smart Connector. And batteries aren’t included, because you’ll never need them—power for Combo Touch is sourced directly from your iPad. KEY FEATURES Compatibility: For iPad Pro 11-inch (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th gen...
logitech 罗技 Combo Touch iPad Pro 11英寸平板电脑 灰色. 亚马逊中国普通用户满300包邮,prime会员任意金额包邮。拼单加微信tuibianbbb 四种使用模式,可调节背光,大尺寸触控板。 亚马逊海外购此款目前活动售价783.63元,包邮含税实付低至854.94元
Combo Touch Keyboard Case for iPad Pro 11-inch (M4) Logitech Combo Touch Keyboard Case enables new levels of versatility. Type, sketch, view, read, and more, all while keeping iPad Pro safe from scuffs and scratches in a protective, formfitting case. It features a flexible kickstand a...
本店好评商品 品牌:罗技(Logitech) 商品名称:罗技(Logitech)Combo Touch iPad Pro保护套妙控键盘平板电脑键盘保护套苹果 适配11英寸iPad Air 2024 商品编号:10108317636777 店铺:罗技电脑办公旗舰店 风格:商务 类型:平板电脑键盘 更多参数>> 商品介绍加载中......