-- Anti-Recoil Script. -- By seyed jafar yaghoubi -- [INSTALLING GUIDE] -- Please Read README.md on the below address before using this script to know how should use it: -- https://github.com/J-Yaghoubi/Anti-Recoil -- [Attention] -- This tool is written
PUBG-Logitech Mouse Simple Anti Recoil Script 就是宏孩儿 - PUBG-Logitech-Mouse-Anti-Recoil-Script/ALL.lua at master · burnedredline/PUBG-Logitech-Mouse-Anti-Recoil-Script
This program is a Lua script installer designed to work with Logitech GHub for the game Rainbow Six Siege. It allows users to easily switch between different versions of Anti-Recoil scripts for Logitech gaming devices based on their preferences. These scripts were released publicly inside of a ...
local Activate = 3 -- Wheel button to activate/deactivate local recoil = false -- Disable/Enable script EnablePrimaryMouseButtonEvents(true); function OnEvent(event, arg) if (event == "MOUSE_BUTTON_PRESSED" and arg == Activate) then recoil = not recoil if (recoil == false) then OutputL...
-- Anti-Recoil Script. -- By seyed jafar yaghoubi -- [INSTALLING GUIDE] -- Please Read README.md on the below address before using this script to know how should use it: -- https://github.com/J-Yaghoubi/Anti-Recoil -- [Attention] ...