Feng GS, Liu DP. Logistic regression analysis and SAS application in medical research[M]. 2nd ed. Beijing: Peking University Medical Press, 2015. 扫码关注“医咖会”公众号,及时获取最新统计教程!
(1992). The use of logistic regression in social work research. Journal of Social Service Research, 16(1-2), 87-104.Morrow-Howell, N., & Proctor, E. K. (1992).The use of logistic regression in social work research. Journal of Social Service Research, 16(1-2), 87-104....
Feng GS, Liu DP. Logistic regression analysis and SAS application in medical research[M]. 2nd ed. Beijing: Peking University Medical Press, 2015. 医咖会面向医生个人、医院/单位、企业提供各种科研服务,包括研究设计、统计分析、EDC系统、科研培训等,详情查看:医咖会可为你提供这些科研服务,助你解决各种科研...
Feng GS, Liu DP. Logistic regression analysis and SAS application in medical research[M]. 2nd ed. Beijing: Peking University Medical Press, 2015.
Hosmer DW和Lemeshow S合作发表了多篇有关logistic回归模型的研究文献,于1989年出版了《Applied Logistic Regression》一书,在SPSS软件二元logistic回归“选项”对话框中,可以看到“Hosmer-Lemeshow”(霍斯默-莱梅肖检验)用于模型拟合优度检验。 书中“The Low Birth Weigh Study”关于低出生体重婴儿影响因素的研究,可以作...
Feng GS, Liu DP. Logistic regression analysis and SAS application in medical research[M]. 2nd ed. Beijing: Peking University Medical Press, 2015. 点击左下角“阅读原文http://www.mediecogroup.com/,查看
Hosmer DW和Lemeshow S合作发表了多篇有关logistic回归模型的研究文献,于1989年出版了《Applied Logistic Regression》一书,在SPSS软件二元logistic回归“选项”对话框中,可以看到“Hosmer-Lemeshow”(霍斯默-莱梅肖检验)用于模型拟合优度检验。 书中“The Low Birth Weigh Study”关于低出生体重婴儿影响因素的研究,可以作...
However, many real-world problems involve discrete target values, such as voting decision, email spam filtering, product recommendation, and medical diagnosis. This time I shall research the Logistic Regression learning algorithm that uses the advantages of regression while gives you the power of discr...
PrakashNadkarni, inClinical Research Computing, 2016 4.5.3SVMs versus logistic regression Like logistic regression, SVMs can also be generalized to categorical output variables that take more than two values. On the other hand, the kernel trick can also be employed for logistic regression (this is...