data_x = file_x['x'] #因为数据存放的关键字为'x',提取dict中的array元素另存为data_x data_y = file_y['y'] data_x = np.mat(data_x) #因为后面有矩阵的运算,所有将array转为矩阵数据类型 in_1 = np.ones((80,1),dtype=np.float64) # in_1 = np.mat(in_1) #生成全1列矩阵 data_...
Logistic regression is a classical classification method, it has been used widely in many applications which have binary dependent variable. However, when the data sets are imbalanced, the probability of rare event is underestimated in the use of traditional logistic regression. With data explosion ...
[target_column] # Splitting the data into training and testing sets X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.25, random_state=0) # Creating the logistic regression model logistic_regression = LogisticRegression() # Training the model
118(机器学习理论篇3)7.5 非线性回归 Logistic Regression - 2 11:12 119(机器学习理论篇3)7.5 非线性回归 Logistic Regression - 3 10:46 120(机器学习理论篇3)7.6 非线性回归应用 - 1 14:44 121(机器学习理论篇3)7.6 非线性回归应用 - 3 14:55 122(机器学习理论篇3)7.7 回归中的相关度和决定系数 ...
118(机器学习理论篇3)7.5 非线性回归 Logistic Regression - 2 11:12 119(机器学习理论篇3)7.5 非线性回归 Logistic Regression - 3 10:46 120(机器学习理论篇3)7.6 非线性回归应用 - 1 14:44 121(机器学习理论篇3)7.6 非线性回归应用 - 3 14:55 122(机器学习理论篇3)7.7 回归中的相关度和决定系数 ...
1.Visualizing the data 在开始实现任何学习算法之前,如果可能的话,最好将数据可视化。 import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt data = pd.read_csv('D:\BaiduNetdiskDownload\data_sets\ex2data1.txt', names=['exam1', 'exam2', 'admitted']) data.head() # 把数据...
In this article, we will be focusing on the Logistic Regression Algorithm. This is a machine learning technique used for classification or prediction in data sets which have many features, but where most of them have little value and should be ignored. ...
logistic_regression tensorflow code from__future__importprint_functionimporttensorflowastf# Import MNIST datafromtensorflow.examples.tutorials.mnistimportinput_data mnist=input_data.read_data_sets("MNIST/",one_hot=True)# Parameterslearning_rate=0.01training_epochs=25batch_size=100display_step=1# tf ...
Binary classification with logistic regression 概率分布 response value represents a probablity, between [0,1] 1 . 普通的线性回归假设响应变量呈正态分布,又称高斯分布或钟形曲线(bell curve) 2 . 若响应变量不满足正态分布,而是概率事件,则假设不满足 ...
D=datalr[datalr["结局"]==0]["指标2"]#产生一个series print("指标2在结局1与结局0两组间的独立样本t检验结果为:") print( ttest_ind(C,D) ) #尝试进行logistic回归 #安装包 import pandas as pd from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression ...