Explore logistic growth. Understand the logistic population growth. Use the logistic growth equation and logistic growth graph to predict the...
Explore logistic growth. Understand the logistic population growth. Use the logistic growth equation and logistic growth graph to predict the...
The Holling type II harvesting term has the property that it is small for small population values, but grows monotonically with population growth, eventually saturating, at a constant value for very large populations. We consider here a population evolving according to a logistic rate, but harvested...
Progress in some fields has been shown to occur through a sequence of high-activity periods that often exhibit logistic growth patterns. Previously, this was demonstrated for local environmental issues during the U.S. Progressive Era through an analysis of environmental (aerial and water-borne) ...
The proportionality constant k and to a lesser extent NA are temperature dependent but their magnitude is also affected by any other environmental factors that might influence the growth rate, notably the pH, water activity, the concentration of salts and so forth. The Baranyi and Roberts model,...
(SchoolofResourcesandEnvironmentalscience,AnqingTeachersCollege,Anqing246003,China) Abstract:AccordingtotheresearchofParameciumpopulation'sgrowthunderthedifferenttemperatureandthepHvalue,in ParameciumLogisticgrowthexperiment,theinfluenceoftemperatureontheresultismoreobviouswhilepHvaluehasalmostno ...
Environmental LettersClassen JJ,Engler CR,Kenerley CM,Whittaker AD.A logistic model of subsurface fungal growth with application to bioremediation.J Environ. Sci. Health A. 2000J.J Classen. C.R. Engler, C.M. Kenerley, A.D. Whittaker, (2000), "A logistic model of subsurface fungal growth...
Even in the case where predation was at most negligible, the model does not accommodate growth reductions due to intraspecific competition for environmental resources such as food and habitat. For the case of growth per se, unrestricted growth is also unrealistic. For example, as plants approach ...
The theory of this work is aimed at aquifers with a relatively homogeneous recharge that can be approximated by a logistic growth function. Sustainable aquifer exploitation occurs when the rate of ground-water extraction is equal to or less than the natural rate of groundwater replenishment for ...