Blood pressure (BP) control is a global health issue with an increase in BP beyond the normal BP leading to different stages of hypertension in humans and hence the need to identify risk factors of BP for efficient and effective control. Multiple BP meas
基于leslie和logistic模型的人口数量研究 ---以朝阳市为例 史纯阳,尹鑫鑫,郭诗雨,钟茹心,王保帅 (辽宁科技学院中美双百学院,辽宁本溪117004)摘要:人口问题是由于人口在分布、数量、结构等方面迅猛变化,造成的人口与社会、经济以及资源、环境之间的冲突矛盾。未来的人口政策要在人口数量增长的同时提高人口素质,调整...
We study nonnegative solutions of parabolic–parabolic Keller–Segel minimal-chemotaxis-growth systems with prototype given by in a smooth bounded smooth but not necessarily convex domain Ω⊂Rn (n≥3) with nonnegative initial data u0,v0 and homogeneous Neumann boundary data, where d1,d2,α,...
(5) ∑∑∑l l ll P = i=1ўji yji /i=1ўji , R = i=1ўji yji /i=1yji (6) Similar to the definition of F‑measure = 2 × P × R/P + R, the F-measure for label j is formally defined as follows. ∑∑∑l l l F‑measure = 2 × i=1ўji yji /i=1...
In any case, the simple relationship that this gives, when inserted with an exponential growth term such as A*eB*t, results in what looks exactly like the logistic sigmoid function: That essentially describes the complete derivation of a discovery logistic curve in terms of exponential growth ...
. first, we estimate the growth of u in the interval \([t_{2i-2},t_{2i-1})\) . in this interval, the only information we have of the function n is that \(n(t,x)\ge 0\) but it may vanish in part or all of the domain. we can always bound the growth of u with the...
The Gompertz model assumes that a population’s growth rate is density-dependent, that is, that the number of individuals in a later instant depends on the number of individuals previously, and the higher the initial number of individuals, the higher their growth rate will be. It is also par...
Therefore, for the spread quantity of Asian giant hornets, we establish a logistic population growth model to predict it. According to relevant literature [45], hornets in a honeycomb will die around December in winter, leaving only the queen to hibernate. In spring, the queen will come out...
Defined in the above notation, by definition, the Youden index (J) of the linear combination is expressed as: 𝐽=𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑐{𝑆𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦(𝑐)+𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦(𝑐)−1}=𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑐{𝐹𝐘𝟐(𝑐)−𝐹𝐘𝟏(𝑐...