Nous logions Vous logiez Ils logeaient 词根:loge- 变位说明 第1组动词 可用作:可作为及物动词(Verb Transitif)可作为不及物动词(Verb Intransitif)可作为代动词(Verb Pronominal) 注意:当该动词作为代动词与se连用时,需要使用être作为助动词,其变位方法会与上述有所不同; 变位提示 一、直陈式未完成过去...
Nous ne logions qu’à quelques rues des profondeurs opaques et grises. Literature Nous logions dans un immeuble délabré qui était vide parce qu’il avait été déclaré insalubre. Literature Vous voulez dire les gardiens de l’immeuble où nous logions, Mack et moi ? Literature ...
Asthma bronchialeAllergische Reaktionen des RespirationstraktsAllergologische DiagnostikInhalativer Provokationstest87 patients with bronchial asthma underwent skin test, RAST and measurement of airway resistance before and after inhalation of control solution as well as at least 10 times after each of ...
来自Logona、RajiProuductions《Melatonin (Explicit)》,专辑简介:,可在线收听。更多来自Logona、RajiProuductions的专辑,尽在酷狗音乐。
This paper considers order statistics Z and W from a trivariate lognormal vector (X1,X2,Y), where Z = min(X1,X2,) and W = max(X1,X2). The cross moments between Z (or W) and Y are characterized and compared to the cross moments between Xi and Y. The results are directly ...
Das phonologische System des Deutschen als binres DistinktionssystemCopyright: All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be translated into other languages, reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, microcopying, or ...
Einflüsse lithologischer Parameter oberflächennaher Sedimente auf Kompressions- und ScherwellengeschwindigkeitenResearch was concentrated on the measurement of compressional (P) and shear-waves (S) in sands and boulder clay. Results may be summarized as follows. S-velocities (V s ) in the...
It is revealed that the log-spiral analysis somewhat overestimates bearing capacity values as compared to other solutions, the errors involved being around 20 percent at maximum and varying sensitively to the angle of internal friction and slope inclination. Also noticed is a relatively good ...
n and n values, pK and log k of tramodol hydrochloride with Cu(II), Co (II) and Fe(II) metal ions at 0.2 M ionic strength in water were determined by potentiometricaly. Irving–Rossotti titration technique was used for determination of stability constants. 1:1 complexes were formed ...
Yan-FeiENiuEJieEHanEXiao-LiEZhaoEEBSCO_AspJournal of Solid State ChemistryCui, Li-Ting,Niu, Yan-Fei,Han, Jie,Zhao, Xiao-Li. Ancillary ligand-assisted assembly of C-3-symmetric 4,4 ',4 ''-nitrilotribenzoic acid with divalent Zn2+ ions: Syntheses, topological structures, and ...