In an old town, there lived a pot maker who wanted to sell the last stock of his craft to a merchant. When the merchant asked him how many pots he had
You weigh down all possible results and evaluate different options to ensure a favorable outcome for your decisions. Logical reasoning enables you to master multiple choice questions in various ways to get the desired answer by thinking better about the solution. ...
Questions often take the form of a diagram with inputs and outputs, and you’ll be required to select which processes from a list of operators would achieve the documented effect. You may also be presented with sets of abstract sequences, given a standalone visual, and asked to select whic...
You may be asked about a previous problem or conflict you had to solve. This classic question provides you the opportunity to show your skills in action, so make sure to highlight the objectivity and logic of your problem solving. Show your logic when talking about yourself. When given the...
Frequently Asked Questions How does Xobin’s AI-Based Web Proctoring ensure test integrity for a Logical Reasoning Test? Xobin’s AI-Based Web Proctoring tracks candidates through video proctoring and browser monitoring. This technology captures any unusual activity during the test, allowing test ...
Frequently asked questions (FAQs) for Logical Reasoning Test About this test About Testlify Expand All How to use the Logical Reasoning test for hiring? Logical reasoning test is a common type of aptitude test used in pre-hiring tests. They are mainly used to measure the ability to ...
With respect to the uncertain future between Paul and his wife, the film ends on an ambiguous and bittersweet note, although that ambiguity is somewhat clarified by Borgli in an interview. “He loses perspective over his values,” notes Borgli, “and at the film’s conclusion you see a man...
None of those who work in Administration likes either Badminton or Lawn Tennis. Harry does not like Cricket. Questions Who are the employees who work in the Administration Department? In which Department does Earl work? Six different-sized ships (shown at the top) are hidden on the grid. Num...
Mercer| Mettl's abstract reasoning test enables employers to assess abstract reasoning abilities of candidates and make more reliable hiring decisions.
The tasks used were: seriation matrix, tilt of a cone, location of a point in two and three dimensions, flexible rods and projection of shadows. Three research questions were asked: first, what is the general level of performance; second, are there grade level differences; and third, are ...