To program in MATLAB, a script file can be created and saved with an appropriate name (e.g., untitled01) in the preferred directory of a computer. The program can be run by clicking on the "Run" available on the top toolbar of the script in MATLAB or calling the script by typing ...
The symbols | and || perform different operations in MATLAB®. The element-wise OR operator described here is |. The short-circuit OR operator is ||. When you use the element-wise & and | operators in the context of an if or while loop expression (and only in that context), they...
Index must be a positive integer or logical 解决方法 Matlab的矩阵操作下标是从1开始的,这一点非常不同于python、java等高级编程语言。 Python语言,是从[0]开始的!
path(17.79,100); 这里有问题,那个必须是整数,不能是17.79的小数
True or false conditions MATLAB®represents Boolean data using thelogicaldata type. This data type representstrueandfalsestates using the numbers1and0, respectively. Certain MATLAB functions and operators return logical values to indicate fulfillment of a condition. You can use those logical values to...
index must be a positive integer or logical. Learn more about index must be a positive integer or logical
MATLAB Online에서 열기 fori = 1:N j = i+0.5 y(i+1) = y(i) + h*f(x(j), y(j)); end There's no such thing as the 1.5th element of either x or y in MATLAB, which is what you're trying to use as inputs to f on the third line of this code segment. Numeric...
Is a(i) supposed to be a(j)? If you haven't otherwise set i to be an integer, it defaults to sqrt(-1), which cannot be used as an index. Same goes for j; check that it's an integer. Best practices in Matlab recommend avoiding i or j as indic...
Open in MATLAB Online Unless the user deliberately entered an anonymous function in respond to the input query, then after the input statement, h is going to be numeric, typically a scalar but potentially a vector or array. If the user entered a vector or non-square array, then...
matlab Programming James C. Squire P.E., Ph.D., Julie Phillips Brown Ph.D., in Programming for Electrical Engineers, 2021 Logical Operators Logical operators operate on logical true (1) or false (0) arguments and are particularly important to ECE students, since binary true/false signals for...