operator in CLogical NOT is denoted by exclamatory characters (!), it is used to check the opposite result of any given test condition.If any condition's result is non-zero (true), it returns 0 (false) and if any condition's result is 0(false) it returns 1 (true)....
Why to Use: It helps in negating a condition, which is useful when you want to ensure that a certain condition does not hold before proceeding with an action. Example: This program checks if the variable a is zero using the logical NOT (!) operator. Code: #include <stdio.h> int main...
The following C code employs the NOT operator in awhileloop − #include<stdio.h>intmain(){inti=0;while(!(i>5)){printf("i = %d\n",i);i++;}return0;} Output In the above code, thewhileloop continues to iterate till the expression "!(i > 5)" becomes false, which will be wh...
So, !x means not of non-zero value is 0. Now is 0 > 4? No. So the result is false ( zero ). It can be done with the help of greater than ( > ) operator. So, 0 is assigned in y with the help of assignment operator ( = ). So, the result = 0. Programming Example 2 ...
Here, we are going todemonstrate the logical NOT (!) operator in Swift programming language. Submitted byNidhi, on May 31, 2021 Problem Solution: Here, we will demonstrate thelogicalNOT (!)operatorand print the appropriate message on the console screen. ...
Logical AND Operator in a programming language is denoted by the symbol ‘&&’. The Logical AND Operator returns the Boolean value True or 1 when both the operands satisfy the conditions and are true in nature. If any one of the operands does not satisfy the condition, then it will ...
You will learn much more about true and false values in a later chapter.Exercise? Which logical operator returns true only if both conditions are true? && (Logical AND) || (Logical OR) ! (Logical NOT) == (Equal to)Submit Answer »...
A logical operator in computer science refers to a fundamental operation that performs logical calculations on two or more values and produces a result based on the truth values of the inputs. Some examples of logical operators include AND, OR, XOR, and NOT. These operators are used in electr...
Logical negation operator in JavaScript InJavaScript, the logical negation operator is expressed as ! (logical NOT). Also known aslogical complement, the operator takes truth to falsity and vice versa. It is usually used with logical or Boolean values. ...
Python: The not Operator Python: Operator Precendence Conclusion Python Logical Operators FAQs Partager In programming, we frequently need to make decisions based on multiple conditions. For instance, we might want to execute a certain action only if several conditions are met simultaneously. Altern...