Define logical argument. logical argument synonyms, logical argument pronunciation, logical argument translation, English dictionary definition of logical argument. Noun 1. logical argument - a course of reasoning aimed at demonstrating a truth or falseh
An argumentation is a three part system consisting in a chain of reasoning in addition to premisses and conclusion; an argumentation is either cogent, in which case it is a deduction, or fallacious, a fallacy. A sentence, an argument, and an argumentation are object language phenomena and ...
赌徒谬误 the gamble’s fallacy非黑即白balck-or-white人身攻击ad hominem问题诱导loaded question乐队彩车bandwagon窃取论点begging the question诉诸权威appeal to authority诉诸自然appeal to nature合成谬误composition/division 轶事谬误 false cause 诉诸情感 appeal to emotion 诉诸伪善 tu quoque 举证责任 burden of pr...
A complicated fallacy, an argument that begs the question asks the reader to simply accept the conclusion without providing real evidence. The argument either relies on a premise that says the same thing as the conclusion or simply ignores an important assumption that the argument rests on. Somet...
Accounts of (complete) logical independence which coincide when applied in the case of classical logic diverge elsewhere, raising the question of what a sa
Confirmation bias has been shown in animal research as well, but this fallacy is reduced when an experiment is conducted double-blind [23]. Van Wilgenburg and Elgar found that 73% of non-blind studies would report a sig- nificant result supporting their hypothesis, while this was only the ...
"title": "The Missing Fallacy", "head": "(that is, the page you're looking for appears to be missing)", "description": "Pure coincidence or a mysterious conspiracy? As these things go the address might have changed, though more likely it simply never was. You can click here to go ...
The Fallacy of Expediency 127 27. Avoiding Conclusions 128 28. Simplistic Reasoning 128 Afterword 131 e书联盟整理 PART ONE Preparing the Mind for Logic e书联盟整理 e书联盟整理 eing logical presupposes our having a sensitivity to lan? Bguage and a knack for its effective use, for logic and ...
Formal-Proposition Denying the Antecedent It is a fallacy where in a standard if/then premise, the antecedent (what comes after the “if”) is made not true, then it is concluded that the consequent (what comes after the “then”) is not true. Formal-Proposition Negating Antecedent and Con...
Post hoc is a fallacy in which one event is said to be the cause of a later event simply because it occurred earlier.