驳倒只需要找到一个反面例子即可 2.Hasty Generalization草率结论(an insufficent sample, a biased generalization, jumping to a conclusion, neglect of qualification) 根据仅有几个样本推出结论。证据样本不足,使得结论有失偏颇 specific---general eg:①A不会说法语,B不会说法语,全世界的人都不会说法语。 ②问...
驳倒只需要找到一个反面例子即可 2.Hasty Generalization草率结论(an insufficent sample, a biased generalization, jumping to a conclusion, neglect of qualification) 根据仅有几个样本推出结论。证据样本不足,使得结论有失偏颇 specific---general eg:①A不会说法语,B不会说法语,全世界的人都不会说法语。 ②问...
The slippery slope claims that a particular action will automatically lead to a specific result. 认为一个特定的行为会自动导致一个、乃至一连串特定的结果——滑坡理论 e.g.: Jason is stressed because he has a calculus test tomorrow and he doesn’t feel prepared. He’s worried that if he doesn...
This fallacy gets its name from a story where a man shoots his gun at a wall and draws a target around the bullet holes afterward. He then shows people the target to prove that he has excellent aim. Essentially, this fallacy is when you pick specific evidence ...
An Accident Fallacy is the misuse of a general rule by applying it to a specific case it doesn’t properly address.Begging the Question FallacyA begging-the question-fallacy occurs when the argument's conclusion is assumed in its premise. In other words, it's a form of circular reasoning ...
Pathos—Emotional Appeal (Emotional Fallacies) Everyone is displaying a flag or a “Support our Troops” sticker on his car; therefore, I will too because I’m a good American. Bandwagon appeals If you restrict my right to say whatever I want, whenever I want, this is the beginning of co...
In general, one useful way to organize fallacies is by category. We have below fallacies of relevance, component fallacies, fallacies of ambiguity, and fallacies of omission. We will discuss each type in turn. The last point to discuss is Occam’s Razor. FALLACIES OF RELEVANCE: These fallacies...
This fallacy is actually a broad category of fallacies that includes appeals to any number of emotions, ranging from negative –– anger, jealousy, shame, hate, and disgust — to positive — happiness, hope, courage, and love. Recognizing which specific emotion was used isn’t as important as...
Types of Logical Fallacies 2.“Slippery Slope” - a fallacious argument built on the supposition that a small step will lead to a larger chain of events “If you don’t stop smoking, then you are going to start shooting heroin.”“Marijuana is the gateway drug.” ...
I am just going to demean you. The intended result is to dismantle the speaker's Ethos, to get the audience to say, "Well, I'm not going to trust anything that this person says" and thus disqualify what could be an otherwise reasonable argument. These fallacies often take on two forms...