This just sets \@currentlabelname to the relevant value, wrapping it in an \ensuremath{} to avoid errors if the name contains symbols etc. \NewDocumentCommand \my@name@inferrule { m }{% \def\@currentlabelname{\ensuremath{#1}}% } Then we can write \begin{mathpar} \inferrule[Modus...
通过编辑器上的按钮找出代码然后记住 查阅“The Comprehensive L A T E X Symbol List”中的symbols 文档 Detexify (http://detexify.kirelabs) 应用 终极大法:直接输入Unicode 代码 1 从TeX 系统已安装的字体(或相应代码表)中找到符号的编码 2 \usefont{}{}{}{}相关...
Since this symbol does not seem to appear in the Comprehensive LaTeX symbol list, you can create it by joining two "or" connectives together through the following command: \newcommand{\xor}{% \mathbin{% {\vee}\mspace{-2.9mu}\nonscript\mspace{0.3mu}{\vee}% }% } that however ...
This creates a node called (A) at the point (x, y). Nodes are also created automatically when you place symbols in circuitikz. Of particular interest are the nodes created by logic gates. When placing the gate we give it a name, here I've just used (A), (B), (C) and (D) bu...