Captain Plugins syncs seamlessly with Logic Pro X! It’s super easy to create your own ideas from scratch. Visit the officialCaptain Pluginsand see how it will help you explore music and write your own original productions.
大量不断演进、层次丰富的 Patch,为你的音轨增添质感和色彩。Logic Pro 声音资源库十分适合制作配乐,从而为画面营造出贴切的氛围和情绪。 Another Day Transformative Effect Modern Synths 资源库满载各种现代合成器音效,全部采用 Alchemy 和 Sculpture 等功能强大的乐器插件创建而成。更有令人热血沸腾的贝斯音、直击人心...
If you are trying to load your Waves plugins in Logic Pro but you cannot find them, follow these instructions in order to make the plugins available.
Logic Pro ..Drummer功能解决了不会编鼓的痛苦自带的乐器音色绝对够用,种类还繁多内置的效果器种类齐全,拿来做混音也完全没问题这些也就罢了连帮助项目都TM这么详细Logic Pro X的帮助分为四类且都汉化的非
Pro Tools 11 (Windows & OS X) Pro Toolsis arguably what could most easily be called the “industry-standard” DAW, and (while it’s not entirely without its flaws) it’s easy to see why. Audio recording in Pro Tools is an absolute breeze, and while the post-processing aspect isn’t...
虽然Logic X Pro并不适用于Windows,但你仍然可以在遇到相同问题的其他音频插件上使用此软件,或者如果你在计算机上运行Mac镜像。你需要做的就是前往JBridge网站下载,就像32 Lives一样,当你首次启动该软件时会有一些可选项,只需把你想用的插件选上就好,整个过程真的非常简单。JBridge售价20美元,仅为“32 Lives”的...
• Logic Pro X should no longer quit unexpectedly when: Resizing a movie window while in full screen mode. Opening a Text Style window in the Score Editor. While making adjustments in the EXS Editor. Inserting notes in the Step Editor. ...
Logic Pro is a complete professional recording studio on the Mac. And it has everything musicians need to go from first note to final master.
If noise creeps into your recording, then you'll need to deal with it during production. Depending on the type of background noise that you're trying to reduce, it's easy to keep background noise to a minimum using the tools available within Logic Pro, or better still, using excellent ...
As well, most plugins introduced here have Windows and Mac compatible versions (some even have Linux compatible versions). So, regardless of what operating system you’re using, you should be able to find plugins that work on your system. So, yes, free synth VST plugins should work on just...