because without it, all of your other software tools are rendered useless. In this review, I break down recent versions of the top four players in the DAW industry: Logic Pro X, Pro Tools 11, Cubase 7, and Ableton Live 9.
“Logic Pro X 是当前 Logic Pro 的最高版本,其先进工具和现代化全新界面旨在让创作专业品质的音乐变得更简单。” Apple 全球市场营销高级副总裁 Philip Schiller 表示,“音乐人一定会喜欢我们这次推出的创新功能,比如 Drummer、Flex Pitch、Track Stacks 和 Arpeggiator。” “Logic Pro 对于创作和录制我们的首张专辑...
Mac 版 Logic Pro 提供了两种类型的自动化:轨道自动化和片段自动化。轨道自动化可以应用到整个轨道(从项目开头到结尾)。片段自动化只可应用到自动化参数连接到的特定片段。使用轨道自动化时,如果重新录制、移动或拷贝片段(到同一个轨道上的不同点或完全不同的轨道),自动化数据仍与其创建时轨道上的初始点相连。但是...
舷外机 + 效果器** – Yamaha SPX 1000、SPX 990、Alesis Quadraverb、Lexicon 300、Neve 1081、Neve 33112、GML 8900、GML 8200、API 512、API 526、SSL X-Rack(多模块)、SSL Fusion、Overstayer Modular Channel、Otto Boum、 Boss 立体声 EQ 踏板,Teac 144 Portastudio。 此版本中的 333 个音色是使用我们...
This guide will break down the key differences when comparing Logic Pro vs Garageband and how to choose between the two DAWs.
Since then,Logic Prohas been one of Apple’s flagship creative pro apps and a major player in the DAW landscape. The software came in numbered editions until Logic 9 when Apple updated the look and feel with Logic Pro X. It dropped the X to become just “Logic Pro” in the latest edi...
Logic Pro X 性能对比测试: 首先是Logic虚拟乐器 + 效果器性能测试,模拟了常见的编曲环境。我用一条加载Sculpture虚拟乐器的音轨,再挂载Channel EQ、Multipr、Chorus、AutoFilter和PtVerb这五个效果器,循环播放32小节的琶音。一直不停加载音轨,直到Logic Pro报告音频引擎过载停止播放,在48kHz采样率下以128和1024两种采...
Logic Pro 小贴士:Logic Pro X 里的立体声声像混音 作者:Joe Albano 编译:MusikM 出处: 图一 Logic Pro 里对于 stereo imaging 立体声音像有一些非常棒的工具,远远不止简单的左/右 panning。这篇文章就讲了讲怎么使用这些工具来创造一些有意思...
Logic VS Pro Tools: Who Do You Give Your Money To?
Head-to-Head: Pro Tools vs Logic Pro X BothPro ToolsandLogic Pro Xcan do almost any kind of audio editing and production that you can imagine. There is little to worry about in terms of functionality as each software is equipped with incredible audio tools that have been developed over dec...