Logic Pro X中的采样器,相比较Kontakt功能消减了很多,但其轻巧,快速,而且占用资源比较低,能快速采样,并制作出我们所期望的声音。 EXS24 mkII 是一个软件采样器。它可播放载入到其中的音频文件,这些文件称为样本。这些样本合并到经过调音且有条理的收藏中,这些收藏称为采样器乐器。因为采样器乐器是以音频录音为基础...
Logic Pro 中的 Drum Kit Designer 概览 Drum Kit Designer 是一款软件乐器插件,可让您从一系列鼓声音中构建自定架子鼓。它也提供各种控制,可让您更改架子鼓中每个鼓件的声音特征。其他设置可让您使用不同的麦克风和房间来增强 Producer Kit。 Drum Kit Designer 的界面分为以下几个主要区域。 架子鼓:点按架子...
解决了以下问题:使用 Drum Machine Designer 在轨道上的样式编辑器中工作时,Logic Pro 可能会意外退出。 性能 现在,Ultrabeat 的实例会更快地载入。 实时循环乐段 修复了以下问题:当 Flex 模式更改后,如果单元格中包含采样速率不同于相关项目的文件,这类单元格会以错误的音高播放,直到到达当前乐段的结尾。
Cubase Pro自带的HALion Sonic(综合音源)、Groove Agent(鼓/节奏类)、Padshop(铺底音色)等,也都是...
Perpetual licenses for SSL Vocalstrip 2 and Drumstrip plug-ins Harrison Mixbus 10 IK Multimedia Amplitube 5 SE Celemony Melodyne Essential Native Instruments Hybrid Keys & Komplete Start Ableton Live 11 Lite AAS Session Bundle plug-ins 1.5 GB Samples from Loopcloud ...
Logic Pro 7.2 also has a new Score editor that allows you to convert MIDI performances into musical notation. This editor allows you to select from a variety of instruments, such as guitar tablature and drum notation. You can also quickly enter song lyrics. And, for those with limited time...
If you can’t stand Logic Pro X’s stock drum sounds and would like to learn how to load your own custom drum samples or sounds then you are in the right place! In this class you will learn: How to use the EXS24 Sampler How to load your own drum samples into Logic Pro X ...
Logic Pro X. Of course, if, like me, you created a setup like this in an earlier version of Logic, it will still open and be converted to Logic X format. Having done all the hard work, make sure you save your setup as part of a new Template so that you don't have to keep ...
Perpetual licenses for SSL Vocalstrip 2 and Drumstrip plug-ins Harrison Mixbus 10 IK Multimedia Amplitube 5 SE Celemony Melodyne Essential Native Instruments Hybrid Keys & Komplete Start Ableton Live 11 Lite AAS Session Bundle plug-ins 1.5 GB Samples from Loopcloud ...
Logic Pro X Most Hip-Hop drum kits suck. Almost all of them recycle the same old sounds – initially created more than 10 years ago. In our humble opinion, this is unacceptable. The modern Hip-Hop producer needs modern samples – drums that slap, provide punch, are original, and elevate...