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Keith Devlin's Introduction to Mathematical Thinking course on Coursera (2017 Spring) logic coursera stanford number-theory mathematical-logic mathematical-thinking real-analysis Updated Nov 23, 2024 rzach / forallx-yyc Star 97 Code Issues Pull requests UCalgary version of forallx, an introduct...
Logic's MIDI plug-ins are great, but getting access to the data they output can be tricky. Here's how it's done...
Wang, L.X. A Course in Fuzzy Systems and Control; Prentice-Hall: London, UK, 1997. 34. Mendel, J. Fuzzy logic systems for engineering: A tutorial. Proc. IEEE 1995, 83, 345–377. [CrossRef] 35. Knapp, R.B. Fuzzy Sets and Pattern Recognition. Available online: http://hci.sapp....