Alchemy 这款出类拔萃的采样处理合成器,几乎是 Logic Pro 中功能最强的乐器。它配备庞大的资源库,其中包括 3000 余种音效和一个关键词浏览器,可帮你快速找到想要的内容。而强大的 Performance Control 则让你尽情探索并运用所选取的音效。作为一款异常强大的合成器,Alchemy 配备了多个音效合成引擎,其中包括:相加、光...
在Logic Pro 中替换或叠加鼓音 使用鼓替换,可以替换音轨上的单个鼓音,而无需重新录制整个轨道。 若要替换或叠加鼓音,你可以使用包含单个鼓(或其他打击乐器)录音的音轨来创建一个具有匹配的 MIDI 触发器音符的软件乐器轨道。软件乐器轨道会使用采样器乐器来播放鼓样本。
在Logic Pro EFM1 中,在数字栏中拖移,以设定随机化的量(或与原声的差异)。 如果你只想随机“调整”当前声音,则可使用 10% 以下的值。使用较高的值以在每次点按时显著改变声音。有帮助? 是 否 字符限制: 250 请不要在评论中包含任何个人信息。 最多250 个字符。 提交 感谢您的反馈。 上...
Some Logic Pro sounds imitate human voices and if you don’t pay attention to unclear words pronounced while playing back the track, one might think that a real person is singing. And if I release that song, a listener may wonder what language that might be or is it a language at all?
Full Featured Pro Mixer • Shape a mix using channel strips with volume faders, pan controls, plug-ins, sends, and precision automation • Deliver a release-ready mix using Mastering Assistant Massive Library of Sounds • Build kits and sampler instruments with over 6,300 samples of drums...
Plug-ins and Sounds Logic Pro gives you a massive collection of plug-ins and sounds to fuel your creativity. The ever‑growing Sound Library is also a powerful source of inspiration, thanks to Patches that allow for rich layers of instruments and effects — and Smart Controls that let you...
running Logic Pro x, with many tracks, and the battery life is great. logic is like the lungs ofmy studio, allowing everything to breath no matter where i am. i love logics wide variety of stock sounds that come with the software, also the parameters in which you can adjust s.. ...
现在我们已经将所有的 MASCHINE Sounds 分配到了各自的输出通道。关闭您的 MASCHINE,然后打开 Logic Pro X 的混音器。您可以通过单击混音器图标,或者按键盘上的 X 来切换混音器视图。然后,单击加载 MASCHINE 的软件乐器轨道右下角的 + 图标,每次单击都会添加一个辅助音轨(Auxiliary track)。持续单击,直到有 15 个...
Sounds section. Although each drummer character has an associated kit, you can choose different kits independently of the selected drummer character. Click the lock icon next to the Sounds heading to change drummers without changing drum kits. Since Logic Pro first came out, developers have added...
Logic Pro is a comprehensive software package that delivers everything a musician needs to write, record, edit, mix, and perform in the stud...