在Logic Pro 中,轻点“键盘拆分开/关”按钮将 MIDI 键盘范围分为三个区域。 “远程”区域:在此键盘下方区域弹奏的音符会触发自动琶音器功能。拖移琶音范围“开始”滑块以调整大小。 “琶音”区域:在此键盘中间区域弹奏的音符是琶音。拖移琶音范围“开始”和“结束”滑块以调整大小。拖移滑块之间的区域以移动。 “...
在Logic Pro 中,执行以下一项操作: 从浏览器载入设置。 从浏览器载入包含脚本编辑器实例的 Patch。 从通道条“设置”弹出式菜单或浏览器载入包含脚本编辑器实例的通道条设置。 载入包含脚本编辑器插件(带有一个运行的脚本)的项目。 你不需要将活跃的脚本明确存储为设置、Patch 等等。存储该项目会保留所有脚本编辑器...
In Logic Pro X, the most obvious time-saver is to create a series of song templates for different types of project and then choose 'Save as Template' to put them in your User Templates folder. Yes, we've covered this before, but with the latest version of Logic Pro X (10.4.7 at t...
You can useFlex Time – Automaticif you want Logic Pro to choose a Flex algorithm automatically based on its analysis of your audio. Also, if you want all your audio tracks to have the same Flex Mode applied to them, select a Flex Mode while pressingShift. For similar changes you can m...
Logic Pro 小贴士:怎样使用 32 位插件 出处:askaudio 编译:Leones 原文:https://www.askaudiomag.com/logic-pro-x-how-to-use-32-bit-plugins © Ask Audio Logic Pro早在2013年7月就面向Mac用户发布了全新的Logic Pro X,从而首次实现了该软件的双精度运算。不过许多用户一直以来对这次升级都持谨慎态度,...
FAQ for Samsung Home cinema. Find more about 'How to use Dolby Pro Logic II Mode in Audio Setting' with Samsung Support.
If you are trying to load your Waves plugins in Logic Pro but you cannot find them, follow these instructions in order to make the plugins available.
Apple’s Logic Pro traditionally had a reputation of being temperamental to use with ReWire, but that changed with Logic 8, which greatly simplified the process. To illustrate the process of ReWiring with Logic Pro, we’ll show how to ReWire Reason’s mixed output into Logic, then how to ...
Track Stacks makes it incredibly easy to create a submix, apply group effects, and play multiple instruments at once. So if you want to get the most out of this feature, and boost your workflow, here are five different ways you can use Track Stacks in Logic Pro X. ...
This article will also show you how to use Logic Pro. We’ll also cover some of the features of the latest version.Download Now! Logic Pro 7.2 If you’re new to music production, Logic Pro 7.2 will be a welcome upgrade. With hundreds of built-in presets, this audio editing software ...