Both logic and logistics ultimately derive from the Greek logos, meaning "reason." But while logic derives directly from Greek, logistics took a longer route, first passing into French as logistique, meaning "art of calculating," and then into English from there....
The meaning of ARITHMETIC LOGIC UNIT is a circuit in a computer's central processing unit that performs basic mathematical calculations —abbreviation ALU. How to use arithmetic logic unit in a sentence.
Many formal languages used in mathematics, logic, and theoretical computer science are defined in solely syntactic terms, and as such do not have any meaning until they are given some interpretation. 許多使用於數學、邏輯及理論電腦科學的形式語言都會以純語法的方式定義,且直到給予某些解釋之前,不含有任...
See Itamar Pitowsky, "From Logic to Physics: How the Meaning of Com- putation Changed over Time," Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4,497 (2007): 621-31. This stronger version of the PCTT is challenged by quantum comput- ing. See Amit Hagar, "Quantum Computing," in Stanford ...
computing the sharing of a central processing unit and associated software among several terminals Word of the DayApril 18, 2024petrichor [pet-ri-kawr]Meaning and examples Start each day with the Word of the Day in your inbox! Sign Up By clicking "Sign Up", you are accepting
NAND has a limited RAM memory space, meaning the program has to be careful to optimize heap memory usage. In fact, the reason why the screen fills with static between generations is to use the screen memory space as temporary swap memory for the next generation — the RAM is already comple...
but its widest meaning is usually identified with a mathematical theory of classes with unclear, or “fuzzy,” boundaries. Control systems based on fuzzy logic are used in many consumer electronic devices in order to make fine adjustments to changes in theenvironment. Fuzzy logic concepts and tech...
Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Acronyms, Idioms, Wikipedia. logic 1. the branch of philosophy concerned with analysing the patterns of reasoning by which a conclusion is properly drawn from a set of premises, without reference to meaning or context 2. any particular formal ...
Electronics. gate1( def 16b ). Discover More Word History and Origins Origin oflogic gate1 First recorded in 1960–65 Discover More Example Sentences Operations that entangle pairs of atoms, called two-qubit logic gates, are units of computing power. ...
A statement inpropositional logicwhich may be either true or false. Each proposition is typically represented by a letter in aformulasuch as "p => q", meaning proposition p implies proposition q. This article is provided by FOLDOC - Free Online Dictionary of Computing ( ...