Logic For Computer Scientists - Schoning - 1989Schoning, U. 1989. Logic for Computer Scientists. Birkhauser.Uwe Schoning. Logic for Computer Scientists. Birkhauser, 1989.U. Schoning, Logic for Computer Scientists, Springer-Verlag, 2nd Printing, 2008. Teaching methods: Lectures (3 hours weekly)...
computer science research such as resolution, automated deduction, and logic programming in a rigorous but readable way. The style and scope of the work, rounded out by the inclusion of exercises, make this an excellent textbook for an advanced undergraduate course in logic for computer scientists...
Logic for computer scientists : By Uwe Schöning. Birkhäuser, Therwill, Switzerland, 1989. Price SFr 48.00 (hardback), ISBN 3-7643-3453-3doi:10.1016/0167-6423(90)90078-RKeith DevlinElsevier B.V.Science of Computer Programming
In this chapter we therefore mainly introduce basic ideas and concepts of fuzzy logic. We discuss selected applications of fuzzy logic relevant to computer science and provide a list of references for further reading. The primary audience of the chapter are computer scientists and engineers. 展开 ...
The remaining chapters contain material on logic programming for computer scientists, model theory, recursion theory, Godel's Incompleteness Theorems, and applications of mathematical logic. Philosophical and foundational problems of mathematics are discussed throughout the text. The author has provided ...
This later extension is suitable for computer scientists but not appropriate for scientists in general. In effect, the scientists, but the mathematicians, use quantities with full unit systems as defined in metrology. More specifically, the geomaticians do not use only attributed or relational ...
The Open Logic Project is an open source, open access collection of materials on advanced logic, aimed mainly at philosophers, but also suitable for computer scientists and mathematicians. The text can be rearranged and remixed. You can produce custom textbooks from it, so they take the aim of...
Computer Science Logic (CSL) is the annual conference of the European Association for Computer Science Logic (EACSL). The conference is intended for computer scientists whose research activities involve logic, as well as for logicians working on issues significant for computer science. ...
as long as the methods of mathematical logic play a significant role. The journal therefore addresses logicians and mathematicians, computer scientists, and philosophers who are interested in the applications of mathematical logic in their own field, as well as its interactions with other areas of ...
OBSERVE,SCIENTISTS HAVE DEVELOPED METHODS OF EXAMININGTHEM AND PRESENTING THE EVIDENCE TO JUSTIFY THEIRTHEORIES IN A LOGICAL FASHION. --Looking forrules Oftenconsidered the originator of the scientific approach, Aristotle wassystematic in every aspect of his work. In addition to being the first to ...