Liberal Imaginations: Transformative Logics of Liberal OrderFlockhartT.ingentaconnectProceedings British Academy
Second, considering mainstream IR perspectives as problem-solving approaches for the hegemonic US/West reveals that the hegemonic Self uses the logic of conquest, conversion, and socialisation to deal with the Other, rising China.This is a preview of subscription content, log in via an institution...
Why don’t you see liberal women’s political group pounding the pavement in their Birkenstocks for Michelle Nunn? They aren’t pumped because she is a moderate/centrist like Rep. Sanford Bishop and Rep. John Barrow rather than a real liberal as the GOP claims. The Democrats are a bigger...
TheJewsas aProblemfor ModernEuropeanPoliticalLogic29 of Ruth,“Amech amiveElohayichElohai”(“Your people shallbe my people, andyour Godmy God).”⁶In fact,the term“am”in Hebrew,which is usuallytranslat-ed as people,is semantically notidenticalwithpeople in theethnicsensebutratherwitha...
8 While P2P lending may be a central part or a sub-term of the sharing economy, Chinese scholars usually consider the two as being distinct from one another.9 Here, we view the P2P lending an integral part of the sharing economy. Thus, this article confines itself to the sphere of fund...
Trucco, and T. Villa, "Synthesis of P-circuits for logic restructuring," Integration, vol. 45, no. 3, pp. 282- 293, 2012.A. Bernasconi, V. Ciriani, V. Liberali, G. Trucco, T. Villa, Synthesis of P-Circuits for Logic Restructuring, Integration 45 (3) (2012) 282-293....
Post-war art researchers such as Wittkower and Rudolf Arnheim have also addressed the issue of proportions in modern architecture [31,32]. In 1960, Scholfield published The Theory of Proportion in Architecture, in which he conducted a study of proportional systems, both classical and modern, ...
In a planar structure, all nodes in a network are at the same level and have the same routing capabilities, making it simple and efficient in a small network. The problem, however, is that as the network grows, the amount of routing information increases rapidly, and it takes a long ...