description logic and the semantic web, complexity issues, probabilistic logic, AI planning, modal logic and causal reasoning, theory, reasoning under uncertainty, satisfiability, paraconsisten reasoning, actions and caution, logic for agents, semantics, and optimization issues in answer set
In this article, we are going to learn about the logic which we mentioned earlier in the knowledge representation of Artificial Intelligence-based agent. We will discuss what logic means in terms of AI and what are the types of logic. We will also study
Logical Agents: 1. 'reflex agents' that only classify percepts and act accordingly. 2. 'model-based agents' that construct an internal representation of the world and use it to act. 3. 'goal-based agents' (usually also model-based) that form goals and try to achieve them. - Model base...
Ch 2. Intelligent Agents Ch 3. Using Artificial Intelligence in... Ch 4. Constraint Satisfaction in Artificial... Ch 5. Logical Agents & First-Order Logic Critical Thinking and Logic in Mathematics 4:27 Truth Value | Definition, Propositions & Tables 9:49 First-Order Logic in AI: Identi...
Describe the issue Congrats on your excellent work on Code Agents for automated test generation! I am interested in gaining a deeper understanding of the results presented in your paper, especially regarding the performance of different ...
Abstract Dynamic logic is a logic to reason about the dynamics of (natural or artificial) systems in general, ranging from the effects of actions of human agents to the behavior of artificial agents and software systems. Therefore it is to be expected that in AI it can be fruitfully employed...
The QuantaLogic framework incorporates a well-defined tool system that enhances the functionality of AI agents by enabling them to perform a variety of tasks efficiently. Each tool is designed to address specific needs that arise in the context of complex problem-solving and task execution:...
Short project description: The project takes departure in epistemic planning based on dynamic epistemic logic (DEL), a line of research within symbolic AI initiated by the PI in 2011. It allows agents, e.g. robots, to reason about other agents, e.g. humans, as part of their planning proc...
Wansing, editors, Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA 2008), number 5293 in Springer Lecture Notes in AI, pages 285-297, Berlin, 2008. Springer Verlag.Koen Hindriks , Wiebe Hoek, GOAL Agents Instantiate Intention Logic, Proceedings of the 11th...
In all of this work, Aristotelian diagrams are used to visualize the logical relations holding among a number of modal statements. In this paper, however, we take a completely different approach, as we will be using a modal language to describe Aristotelian diagrams. This boils down to “rever...