This interpretative setting provides a semantic justification to the claim that the weight attached to a conclusion should be the weakest among the weights attached to the formulas involved in a derivation. Basic formalism Possibilistic logic (Dubois and Prade [1987; 2004]; Dubois, Lang and Prade ...
Definition 27 (Derivation). A derivation of QL is a finite sequence of configurations T├α, where any element of the sequence is either the conclusion of an improper rule or the conclusion of a proper rule whose premisses are previous elements of the sequence. Definition 28 (Derivability)....
9). The answers do not affect the main results of this paper so I leave these questions open, and I do not defend or presuppose any one answer to these questions. Still, as background, I will now give a glimpse of how one might and might not understand degrees of truth. Authors ...
For instance, \((e\wedge hm) \vee b\) provides an upper bound of \(0.226\) for the probability of calls(mary) based on the proof \(e\wedge hm\) (which provides the corresponding lower bound \(0.14\)) and the partial derivation \(b\) (which still requires to prove hears_alarm(...
If a derivation of A ≈ B ∈ Δ ∩ ctx ⋆ ( Ω ) uses exactly k instances of congruence rules, introducing, respectively, C i ≈ D i ∉ ctx ⋆ ( Ω ) for 1 ≤ i ≤ k , then if Γ ∪ { C j ≈ D j : 1 ≤ i ≤ k } ⊢ X A ≈ B and, assuming without ...