Quit the game from the Xbox Dashboard, and then restart the game: From Fortnite, click the Xboxbutton on the controller and selectHometo get out of the game and back to theXbox dashboard With the game title selected, click theMenubutton on the controller...
Caso veja esse erro, tente seguir estes passos para resolver o problema: Limpe o cachê do seu Xbox:Como limpo o cache do meu Xbox Series S|X? Saia do jogo pelo menu do Xbox, depois reinicie o jogo: Dentro do Fortnite, aperte o botãoXbox no controle...
Quit the game from the Xbox Dashboard, and then restart the game: From Fortnite, click the Xboxbutton on the controller and selectHometo get out of the game and back to theXbox dashboard With the game title selected, click theMenubutt...
Clear your Xbox's cache:How do I clear my Xbox Series S|X cache? Quit the game from the Xbox Dashboard, and then restart the game: From Fortnite, click the Xboxbutton on the controller and selectHometo get out of the game and back to theXbox dashbo...