I'm still learning .NET and .NET Core, and I'm struggling a little bit with logging. So I was hoping someone can point me down the right path...I'm implementing Serilog in my .NET Core 2.0.0 web application, and the basics seem to be working. However, I can't seem to output ...
I am trying to implement request-response logging middleware in asp.net core web API application. It's working as fine in normal flow. But on an exception in the application, seeing ObjectDisposed errorSystem.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a closed Stream....
Anonymous Types as return of api controllers is an anti pattern? Antivirus to scan files before uploading Any good HTML purifiers out there for ASP.NET Core? app.UseDeveloperExceptionPage(); not working Apparently Random Error: "Antiforgery token validation failed. The antiforgery cookie token a...
However I am not able to get the name of the controller and method name in my logging Middleware. Can someone guide me how to get access to that? I can see in output window that ASPNET5/MVC 6 is logging the controller name/action name as follows, so there is a way, but not ...