logged in 并不是指用户已经登录,而是用户启用相关一些进程。 chmod 是根据lsof判断用户是否已经logged in的。通过lsof找出“正在登陆”的用户,kill掉相关进程就可以了。 $ lsof | grep mongo
在Linux系统中,用户登录(logged in)是一个常见的操作,通过登录,用户可以访问系统资源和运行程序。其中,红帽(Red Hat)是一家知名的Linux发行版厂商,提供了许多有用的工具和技术,帮助用户更好地管理和使用系统。 当一个Linux用户登录系统时,系统会记录下用户的登录信息,包括用户名、登录时间、登录IP地址等。这些信息...
lsof | grep mongo
Linux执行usermod时提示user xxx is currently logged in 近日遇到一怪事,执行usermod更改用户家目录时,被提示usermod: user xxx is currently logged in,可是用户根本没有登陆到系统里啊。查了下,网上普遍的解决方法是备份以后清空/var/run/utmp文件,再重启以后就好了。可说的容易,服务器哪是想重启就重启的? $ ...
Unix/Linux systems maintain a database of currently logged-in users, in the /var/run/utmp file (in some Unix variants there's also a parallel utmpx file, but they both serve the same purpose). The login program, which controls login on a physical console, the ssh daemon or GUI login ...
Using who command in Linux Here’s the syntax for who command: who [options] [filename] You have already seen what information the who command shows without any options. Let’s now see what options does it provide. Print the idle time of users ...
userdel删除用户时候提示:userdel: user xx is currently logged in ,在linux下创建了用户,发现有问题,想删除重建,结果就遇到了这个问题,网上找解决方法,发现有如下两种方法:http://blog.itechol.com/space-33-do-blog-id-5954.htmlhttp://blog.csdn.net/chenyulanc
Usermod:user lee is currently logged in 反正就是这个报错,怎么弄就是这个报错,当然也可以直接修改配置文件,不过那样玩起来就没意思了,linux玩的就是排错,对吧。 找了一晚上的资料,终于把问题解决了。 解决方案: cat /dev/null > /var/run/utmp 清空此文件 ...
I am worried, because on my system I always see two users logged in immediately after I enable internet connection! Otherwise I can only see one user logged in. Could this be a security breach? What can I do? I changed my passwords and removed~/.sshand/root/.sshfolders. However, I ...
NAME last, lastb - show listing of last logged in users SYNOPSIS last lastb DESCRIPTION Last searches back through the file /var/log/wtmp (or the