神奇的 |logFC| > [mean(|logFC|) + 2sd(|logFC|)]因为做了太多次差异分析, 发现了固定阈值确定统计学上下调差异表达基因的弊端,所以在某个时间段(大约是七八年前),因为客户要求差异基因数量的200个到500个,如果人类基因数量是2万,那就是 1%到2.5%,我提出来了自定义动态...
> colMeans(x)[c('x1','x2','x3')] x1 x2 x3 76.74 80.49 86.26 1. 2. 3. 使用apply函数也可以实现,参数2表示对列进行计算 > apply(x,2,mean) num x1 x2 x3 201321050.50 76.74 80.49 86.26 1. 2. 3. 计算最大值,最小值。 > apply(x,2,min) num x1 x2 x3 201321001 50 65 45 1....
log2FC中的FC即 fold change,表示两样品(组)间表达量的比值,对其取以2为底的对数之后即为log2FC。一般默认取log2FC绝对值大于1为差异基因的筛选标准;FDR即False Discovery Rate,错误发现率,是通过对差异显著性p值(p-value)进行校正得到的。由于转录组测序的差异表达分析是对大量的基因表达值进行独立的统计假设...
Does the value of dscorepropagationdata in AD mean it has communicated with the DC? Does Windows log a "Member removed" event for security groups when an AD user account is deleted? Does Windows Server Active Directory have an API which allows queries to determine whether there is ANY user...
Can you please clarify what do you mean? Did you clean up local copy of the policy on the PC and refreshed the policy or actually re-created gpo's on the domain?Tuesday, April 7, 2020 12:47 PMI re-created gpo's on the domain. I also re-imaged the Windows 10 workstation that ...