Logarithmic functions are the inverses of exponential functions, and any exponential function can be expressed in logarithmic form. Similarly, all logarithmic functions can be rewritten in exponential form. Logarithms are really useful in permitting us to work with very large numbers while manipulating ...
《大学代数》:Logarithmic Functions-graphs and inverses 本课程主要研究基本代数运算、指数、自由基、方程组和高等数学等。 本课程主要研究基本代数运算、指数、自由基、方程组和高等数学等。
The functions are inverses of each other. Logarithms are useful when the scale of a function has an extreme range. The pH scale (for acids and bases) maps values ranging from {eq}10^{-1} {/eq} to {eq}10^{-14} {/eq}, which would make a regular scale essentially useless. A ...
Logarithmic and exponential functions are inverses, which interchange the values of x and y. If the argument of the logarithm is instead a functiony=y(x), then by the chain rule, we have ddx(lny)=1y⋅dydx Lesson Quiz Course ...
-recognize that exponential and logarithmic functions are mutual inverses SOLs: This unit plan is designed to cover in part the following SOLs: AII.3 Write radical expressions as expressions containing rational exponents, and vice versa AII.8 The student will recognize multiple representations of funct...