Linkage is suggested by a LOD score greater than 3.0.DefinitionA statistical test often used in human and animal populations to determine if two markers or Mendelian traits are inherited in a linked fashion. Linkage is suggested by a LOD score greater than 3.0....
Genetic linkage analysis of sarcoidosis phenotypes: the sarcoidosis genetic analysis (SAGA) study. Chest radiographic resolution was the pulmonary phenotype with the highest LOD (logarithm of the backward odds, or likelihood ratio) score of 5.11 at D1S... Rybicki,BA,Sinha,RIyengar,S,Gray-McGuire,...
LOD Score (Logarithm-of-Odds Score)This article has no abstract.doi:10.1002/0471650129.dob0400Mark McCarthySteven WiltshireJohn Wiley & Sons, Inc.
LOD Score (Logarithm of Odds Score)doi:10.1002/9780471650126.dob0400.pub2Mark McCarthySteven WiltshireAndrew CollinsAmerican Cancer Society