Thediscretelogarithmproblem. 2–Subexponentialalgorithms PierrickGaudry Caramel–LORIA CNRS,UniversitédeLorraine,Inria MPRI–12.2–2013-2014 1/32 References Recommendedbooks: MathematicsofPublicKeyCryptography, byStevenGalbraith. CambridgeUniversityPress,2012. AlgorithmicCryptanalysis, byAntoineJoux. ChapmanandHall,...
By making this choice for 𝜂2, the loss functions (9) for various values of 𝜂1 are illustrated in Figure 1 along with their first derivatives related to influence function and corresponding probability density functions. Figure 1. (a) The loss functions (9) for different values of 𝜂1...