Most Clevelanders have heard stories of the Colinwood school fire, the Lorain tornado, the Cleveland Clinic fire, and the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey fire; however, over the decades, the true events and the tall tales that followed have become blurred. Some disasters, such as the ...
It is about brothers who live in a small Missouri town. There is a lengthy description of Halloween activities including greased doorknobs, stuck car horns and a "garbage-launcher." . There was a sequel, Me and Caleb Again. More on The Ghost of Five Owl Farm by Wilson Gage, illustrated...
This is NOT Small One by Z. Gay. In that story, Small One was frightened by a noise out of the safety of the bushes where his mother left him and his brothers and sisters. He then gets lost and spends the rest of the book looking for his mother. No lipstick in this story....