jsonlog log/postgresql.json 当一个新的日志文件作为滚动的效果被创建时,以及当log_destination被重新加载时,Current_logfiles被重新创建。当log_destination中不包含任何stderr、csvlog或jsonlog时,而且当日志收集器被禁用时,它将被删除。 注意事项: 在大多数Unix系统上,为了使用log_destination的syslog选项,您需要更改...
logging_collector = on log_destination = 'csvlog' log_truncate_on_rotation = on log_connections = off log_disconnections = off log_error_verbosity = verbose log_statement = ddl log_min_duration_statement = 60s log_checkpoints = on log_lock_waits = on deadlock_timeout = 1s 1.记录级别:...
Checks if Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) Flow Logs are enabled and VPC Flow logs are being delivered to Amazon CloudWatch. This rule is NON_COMPLIANT if a CloudWatch log group is not the destination for the VPC Flow Logs.