MATLAB Plot Gallery - Log-Log Plot (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: 2025/2/7. 필수 제품: MATLAB MATLAB 릴리스 호환 정보 개발 환경: R2014b 모...
f = fittype('a*log10(x)+b'); % 拟合函数的形式 fit1 = fit(x',y',f,'StartPoint',[x(1) y(1)]); a = fit1.a; % a的值 b = fit1.b; % b的值 fdata = feval(fit1,x'); % 用拟合函数来计算y figure plot(x,y); hold on plot(x,fdata','r'); hold off legend('Ori ...
plot3(x,y,z); 与plot类似,plot3将点在三维平面用线绘制出来。 使用mesh与meshgrid t=[-5:0.1:5]; [x,y]=meshgrid(t); z=sin(sqrt(x.^2+y.^2))./sqrt(x.^2+y.^2); mesh(x,y,z); meshgrid()表示在三维平面中先将x,y的点确定,绘制一个画布,最后根据z与x,y的关系,使用mesh绘制三维图...
Open in MATLAB Online Download lognormal: creates lognormal distribution with desired mode (peak-value) usage: lognormal(mode_log,sigma_n,n,plotit) --- INPUT arguments: 'mode_log' ---> can be any positive value (is the most frequent value of the lognormal distribution -> the peak in...
在MATLAB中绘制对数图(log plot)通常涉及使用loglog、semilogx或semilogy函数,具体取决于你希望对x轴还是y轴应用对数刻度。以下是详细的步骤和示例代码,帮助你完成对数图的绘制: 1. 准备数据 首先,你需要准备要在对数尺度上绘制的数据集。这些数据通常是科学计算或工程分析中常见的指数增长或衰减数据。 matlab % 示例...
In this chapter, the semilog scale plot (for x-axis) in MATLAB is presented and described. In this regard, several examples and exercises for each section of the chapter are presented. The exercises that include writing the codes, executing them, and achieving the results need to be done ...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 I'm trying to graph one log-log plot of the execution time against increasing input values for an iterative fibonacci sequence solution and a recursive fibonacci sequence solution, two functions I made to show the fibonacci sequence, and I'm not sure if I'm ...
matlab.JPG Hi, I wish to use the curve fitting tool to perform a log-log plot. The screenshot that I've attached is using 2013a, however, I was able to do it easily with 2015. Do you know how I can perform the log-log? Thanks 0 Comments Sign in to comment. Sign in to an...
四、Matlab源码 figure命令源码 %以0为初始值,pi/100为步长,2*pi为结束值生成矢量x x=0:pi/100:2*pi; y1=sin(x); y2=cos(x); y3=sin(2*x); y4=cos(2*x); %创建窗口并返回句柄到变量H1 H1=figure; plot(x,y1); title('sinx'); ...