matlablog函数编写,Matlab基本函数-log函数 matlablog函数编写,Matlab基本函数-log函数1、log函数:求⾃然对数 2、⽤法说明 y = log(x) 函数对数组x的元素逐个进⾏以e为底的对数运算。y = a+b*i,有log(y) = log(abs(y))+i*atan2(b,a)3、举例说明 >> x = 10 x = 10 >> y = log(x)...
20210308 MATLAB log(x) 和 log10(x)区别,Y=log(X)returnsthenaturallogarithmln(x)ofeachelementinarrayXY=log10(X)两个语句完全不一样,容易搞错
Open in MATLAB Online @Shinichiro Shimata, To add the trendline quation to the plot, see last two lines of the code below. ThemeCopy avgspeed = [27.78; 31.14; 33.36; 37.07; 38.50; 41.38]; %the x values height = [13; 33; 55; 155; 245; 519]; %the raw y values %next: make ...
Open in MATLAB Online I am trying to plot the average power spectrum for a group of participants. MatLab automatically uses a numeric scale for the yaxis, this can be changed to 'log' in the figure editor page but I want the y-axis to use t...
I have created a username and password for my MATLAB online account; but when i try to log in i receive an error the username or password is incorrect. how can I solve this issue? 댓글 수: 0 댓글을 달려면 로그인하십시오. ...
Open in MATLAB Online Try this: ThemeCopy th = linspace(0, 2*pi, 9); % Create Angles r = rand(1, numel(th)) .* 10.^(1:numel(th))-9; % Create Data figure polarplot(th, log10(r), 'p') Ax = gca; Ax.RTick = (2:2:numel(th)-1); Ax.RTickLabel = compose('10^...
In this chapter, the semilog scale plot (for x-axis) in MATLAB is presented and described. In this regard, several examples and exercises for each section of the chapter are presented. The exercises that include writing the codes, executing them, and ach
MATLAB中 log函数指以自然对数e为底的对数运算,而exp顾名思义就是指数运算,现在在MATALB中做符号运算,设x为一符号变量,首先测试exp(log(x)),完全OK,会得到x,但是奇怪的是输入log(exp(x))后得到的仍然是log(exp(x)),而不是x,有点令人费解,有人知道是咋回事么。这难道是因为MATLAB本来就是这么样定义的?
正确的MATLAB语句应该是这样的:matlab p = 0.2;P = [p, 1-p];inf1 = -P.*log2(P);inf1 = sum(inf1);这里使用了点乘(.*)来逐元素计算,并且添加了负号来符合熵的定义。最后,使用sum函数来计算总和。如果你想要计算二符号信源的熵,可以使用上述代码。确保你的MATLAB版本支持这些操作。