复用断点文件(不会重复采集日志) 1.使用停止命令停止运行旧版本的 LogListener。 2.以安装目录/usr/local/loglistener为例,前往安装目录下,备份旧版本中的断点文件目录./data。例如:将旧版的断点文件备份至/tmp/loglistener-backup目录下。 cp-r./data/tmp/loglistener-backup/ 3.使用卸载命令卸载旧版本的 LogLi...
du -hm --max-depth=1 /var/ | sort -n 代码语言:javascript 复制 # du-hm--max-depth=1/var/|sort-n1/var/adm1/var/crash1/var/db1/var/empty1/var/games1/var/gopher1/var/kerberos1/var/local1/var/nis1/var/opt1/var/preserve1/var/spool1/var/tmp1/var/yp131/var/www198/var/lib486...
On the Windows, the temporary directory is specified by the value of the TMP environment variable. If that environment variable is not defined, then the value of the TEMP environment variable is used. Description of Fatal Error Log The error log contains information obtained at the time of ...
"[%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d:%03d] ",p->tm_year+1900, p->tm_mon+1,p->tm_mday, p->tm_hour, p->tm_min, p->tm_sec, millsec);buffer[len] = '\0';}//获取当前时间static int get_curtime( char* outTimeStr ){int ret = 0;time_t tTime;struct tm *tmTime;struct timeval...
与此同时,还会有 DumpStack.log.tmp 文件,此文件是一个系统文件,它是 Windows 系统在发生异常或故障时生成的一种临时文件。用于记录发生故障时操作,帮助分析故障原因,并为系统开发人员提供帮助,当系统恢复正常运行时,Windows 会自动清理临时文件,并删除 dumpstack.log.tmp 文件。不建议自己手动删除 ...
$> mysql -u root -p < tmpfile If you have more than one binary log to apply on the MySQL server, use a single connection to apply the contents of all binary log files that you want to process. Here is one way to do so: ...
$> mysql -u root -p < tmpfile If you have more than one binary log to apply on the MySQL server, use a single connection to apply the contents of all binary log files that you want to process. Here is one way to do so: ...
prefix=ORRES;byLINE;vara1-a5;run;proc sql noprint;selectORRES1into:varlist separated by' 'from log_tmp_;quit;data&ds.;set&ds._1;iftype="B_ERROR_"then Type="_ERROR_";/*转化回本身*/where linein(&varlist.);run;procdeletedata=LOG_tmp LOG_tmp_&ds._1&ds._desc1;quit;%end;%...
input { file { path => '/tmp/toto.log' } } You can useifto have anevent dependent configuration. Seehere for details. As for URLs, config can be specified directly on the command line in a file (use the--config_fileswitch)
另外,除了/var/log/外,恶 意用户也可能在别的地方留下痕迹,应该注意以下几个地方:root 和其他账户的shell历史文件;用户的各种邮箱,如.sent、mbox,以及存放在/var/spool/mail/ 和 /var/spool/mqueue中的邮箱;临时文件/tmp、/usr/tmp、/var/tmp;隐藏的目录;其他恶意用户创建的文件,通常是以 "."开头的具有...