TheRaspberry Pi Foundationjust launched theRaspberry Pi 400, the regular ARM-based SPC with 4GB memory, a bunch of external ports and wireless connectivity, but all packaged into a neat keyboard casing. First time walking away from the pure tinkering setup to a just-hook-it-up-to-a-screen-...
/* Create a public function to retrieve the AES encryption key. */CREATEORREPLACEFUNCTIONget_key()RETURNStextAS$$DECLAREretvaltext;BEGINSELECTaes_keyINTOretvalFROMhidden.aes_key;RETURNretval;END; $$LANGUAGEplpgsql; The followingINSERTstatement write a plain text column and encrypted text column into...