到本文上面翻一下my.cnf,可以看到其中配置了默认字符集,而mysqlbinlog表示无法识别。 3.2.2 解决方法 Mysql操作binlog时报错这篇文章中提到过两种方法,第一种是修改配置,把default-character-set=utf8mb4 修改为 character-set-server = utf8mb4,但这种方式需要修改my.cnf并重启mysql服务。生产环...
1、/etc/my.cnf 2、/etc/mysql/my.cnf 3、/usr/local/etc/my.cnf 4、~/.my.cnf 本地配置了/etc/my.cnf,所以直接vi /etc/my.cnf查看即可。内容如下: 图1 my.cnf 标红的部分就是binlog的目录。 此时目录下的文件列表: 图2 binlog目录下文件列表 ...
INSERTINTOaccess_log.access_logVALUES(NULL,CONNECTION_ID(),NOW(),USER(),CURRENT_USER()); 这里的一些函数最好用row模式,因为主从复制的时候,uuid已经now()等会造成时间延迟,故而为了数据一致性,STATEMENT格式不是最佳选择。 Setting The Binary Log Format也指出,可以通过下面语句在全局中设置binlog...
This is a single-user PC, with my account being the only one that has ever been setup on it. The project is just in a local directory, not a file-share or a versioned repository.I also tried a grep for "C:" (case-insensitive) throughout the project on all files and didn't see...
Very simple problem - I can see the data on the screen Microsoft Azure, Home, Activity Log but when I choose download to csv, it goes into the background process. says it produces the csv successfully, then fails in doing the download with Failed to…
NTFS info and USNinfo are used to dig into file activities e.g. when a file landed on the machine, when changes to a certain files are made, when certain files were deleted , there is a fine document on SANS about file access, creation ,modification, modification of MFT data .MACE or...
Reinjection of Packets Into Kernel [All HCAs] Added support for a new software steering action, mlx5dv_dr_action_create_dest_root_table(). This action can be used to forward packets back into a level 0 table. As a table with level 0 is the kernel owned table, this will result in ...
Unified, standardized log: Event streams from application and system components all funnel into a single log, with standardized messages that enable analysts and machine learning to detect and analyze patterns that cross multiple communication channels, such as email, MFT, file sharing, and SFTP, as...