Moore's Confession: By mid-1989 the two most controversial figures in ufology were Moore and Lear. Moore's MUFON lecture on July 1 did nothing to quiet his legion of critics. On his arrival in Las Vegas, Moore checked into a different hotel from the one at which the conference was ...
Florida’s DeSantis led the charge in taking his state towards its descent into fascism. He removed a Tampa area prosecutor who didn’t fully embrace his bullying tactics at members of the LGBTQ community by alleging Andrew Warren had blanket policies not to prosecute certain kinds of cases. ...
I told or rather screamed to myself as I walked into the Union Rescue Mission with my 13 year old son in toe. My soul was having a meltdown. I felt alone and scared. I never knew I would find another conservative in the least likely place-a 16 year old Hispanic boy, whom we ...
The Nelson Touch "It's all about oil, isn't it?" Kurosawa's High and Low A Bountiful Mutiny Howl's Moving Castle Thailand's Iron Ladies Trois Colours: Red The Thin Man: Thoroughly Modern Movies Why My Book Is Better Than the DaVinci Code Iranian Films: The Mirror Piratical Nonsense A...
Dismantled, moved/shipped to Alaska to make it into a mobile coffee shop: see above 'BMTN'-link. A fake 'N5215R' has been put on display @KGEY in recent years, decorated with '136' jetpod but that has no baring on the true identity either. Update 2011: C-119 '06' preserved ...
A fracture plane cuts the transverse processes into two parts of unequal sizes; a very small anterior part corresponding to small basal-anterior tips of the process and a larger posterior part visible on all the vertebrae. In ventral view, a medial furrow occurs along the whole length of the...
I wonder if there is a significant “leftover inflation” yet to come, though, from companies and people who neglected to raise prices or who were locked into long-term agreements during the core years of Bidenflation. Our electrician, a solo practitioner in mid career (i.e., he already ...
录音日志整理 - Audio Log Transcript(英汉对照) 提取自data/strings目录,修正部分文本错误。The concept of a clock enfolds all succession in time. In the concept the sixth hour is not earlier than the seventh or eighth, although the clock never strikes the hour, save when the concept biddeth. ...
The past 100 years hasn’t fit Malthus well, perhaps due to the Green Revolution and tapping into fossil fuels on an industrial scale for the first time. But maybe Malthus is being proved right by the real estate market? As noted previously here, a friend said that his daughter was “mak...
Demand from India and China stays high; the Yukos crisis in Russia continues; Iraq continues to have difficulty exporting oil; and even the Florida hurricane's have had a local effect, at least on American gas prices. Why can't oil prices fall again into the $30-40 per barrel range?